Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1630: Temporary change

Captain Ma heard what the special soldier said, and was even more satisfied.

While the officers were shocked, Captain Ma did not forget to nod his head: "It is indeed a good seed! I am confident that this time our Z Special Forces will go to a hunting school and exhale fiercely!"

In the past, the special forces sent by the Z country to the hunting school were not particularly outstanding. Therefore, the indirectness made the hunting school and some international figures sneer at ridicule.

Although there are so many outstanding talents, in general there are not enough outstanding talents, the top ones are just one or two, and the top two are not as powerful as one hundred people.

So when Yun Jian broke their plan, the face of Captain Ma and Chief Fang, and every officer present was embarrassing and excited.

Excited, they finally found a good seed!

"Ha ha ha! Lao Fang, I have a hunch, this little girl will definitely be a blockbuster! Then she will become an outstanding representative in the history of my country Z!" Captain Ma said the highest evaluation he gave in his life.

At this point, the surrounding officers agreed

Somewhere in the misty forest, Zhou Duanzheng and Wu Nengnai opened their mouths and looked at the scene in front of them.

Everyone never expected that Yunjian could come out like this.

Just before Yun Jian walked towards the wolves, everyone thought that Yun Jian wanted to deal with the wolves alone.

However, everyone did not expect that Yun Jian first kicked a wolf, then shocked the wolves, and finally she walked out from a big tree and pulled out the special soldier under the commander of Fang.

It is even more amazing to crack all the facts one by one.

Without asking anything else, Yun Jian's words just now can scare the special soldier under Chief Fang's hands and call Chief Fang directly for help.

With such ability, who can do it at the scene?

When surrounded by wolves just now, everyone was thinking of fighting, only Yun Jian saw this.

Really ...

At this moment, no one dares to speak a half sentence.

Until the voice of Chief Fang came from the walkie-talkie: "Ahem! Since the plan was discovered, I will temporarily change the game mode, um ...

"For the sake of fairness, I will revoke all the beasts that are blocking you. Everyone has their own skills. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins, and the system of elimination is still the same. You can run with it!

"Find the right direction and get out of the misty forest to reach the finish line of the top 20. You can move now!"

80% of the special forces were surrounded by wolves, and the other 20% were not here.

In order to be fair, Chief Fang changed the rules, asking everyone to reach the end of the misty forest at a fast speed, and secretly canceled all the beast attacks on the special forces.

In other words, the other 20% of the special forces will not encounter fierce beasts along the way, they will be revoked by the chief of the party.

In this way, fairness can be guaranteed.

As soon as Chief Fang's voice fell, the special forces around him continued to move forward at the fastest speed.

Run! What do you do without standing? Waiting to eat and serve?

In fact, even without the beast attack, it is not easy to reach the end.

Because in the foggy forest, it's easy to get lost.

Just running forward, I don't know the direction, what if I run wrong? Isn't it farther from the end?

"Yunjian, what should we do?" Perhaps Yunjian's performance was too outstanding. Xu Mei and Xu Wenming approached Yunjian and asked Yunjian a word.

"Run, whoever wins first will win." But seeing Yun Jian just squinting slightly, then she took the lead in opening long legs and taking a step forward.

When everyone saw this, they all followed.

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