Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1635: Taekwondo, are playing

"Special forces? Special forces came to Taekwondo to compete? Your news is really false. Have you made any mistakes?" Someone asked in a slightly suspicious tone.

"My news, can there be fake? Do you know the International Hunting School? Hey, that's the place to train special forces!

"I heard that this time the special forces competed here, and then selected the top three, just to send the top three to the hunting school for further study!

"No, I heard that 80 special soldiers have been eliminated, and now the 20 most powerful ones have been selected, and then the final competition place is selected in the Taekwondo Pavilion!

"The 20 most powerful special forces are the best in our entire country Z! That is not comparable to ordinary special forces!"

The big man sitting next to him sucked on the noodles again and again, and described the situation as drunk again and again, and it looked like he was one of the powerful special soldiers described in his mouth.

Hearing the big man ’s bragging, the few big men next to him were turned upside down, clapping their hands and exclaiming ‘very powerful’.

I didn't know that two of them, one of the twenty special forces, they were bragging about were next to them.

Like Yun Jian and Xu Mei, outsiders can't see that their strength is normal.

"Cough!" Listening to the boasts of the big guys next to her, Xu Mei blushed on the spot, she coughed twice to show her embarrassment.

Neither Luoberry nor Nanlinlin was counted among the twenty, so Luoberry was just a little surprised.

Yun Jian was bland and free, as if nothing could change her facial expression.

"Noodles come! Three bowls of Xuecai noodles! Warm and hot!" The owner brought three bowls of freshly-made Xuecai noodles and placed them in front of Yunjian three. .

"Wow! It looks delicious!" Luo Bing couldn't help picking up the chopsticks and sandwiching the noodles without fear of being hot, and delivered it to her mouth.

"Hello! It's hot! Don't get burned!"

Luoberry took a breath, and she took a deep breath. Then she was afraid that Yun Jian and Xu Mei would be burned with such anxiety. She could not bear the burning pain in her mouth, and hurried to Yun Jian and Xu Mei.

"Hurry up and drink water and see what you are anxious for!" Xu Mei chuckled twice and quickly poured a glass of water for Luoberry.

Yunjian's eyes lifted slightly, her red arc slightly hooked

Xu Shicao noodles are so delicious. Yunjian ordered three bowls in a row, and he didn't blush and eat all three bowls of Xuecai noodles.

By the end of dinner, it is already half past six.

As soon as the three people of Yunjian returned to the Taekwondo Museum, they saw about 20 or 30 Taekwondo trainees playing "drink and drink" in the training ground on the first floor.

There were a lot of people standing next to it.

"Come on! Come on! Come on! Lin Kun come on!"

Standing beside the cheerleader-dressed girl, it seemed as if she was cheering for one of the 20 or 30 Taekwondo practitioners who was more handsome.

"It seems to be a game. Let's stay and go back." Xu Mei was interested for a moment, she squinted and said.

"Okay!" Luoberry nodded.

Yun Jian also stood in place.

These students are all doing Taekwondo, better than anyone.

The boy named Lin Kun in the field instantly became a high-profile presence.

In this regard, Yun Jian could clearly see that the boy named Lin Kun evoked an arc, and was very proud to raise his eyes slightly upwards.

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