Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 163: Invite to join, i agree

When the teachers thought that Ge Junjian was furious, they heard a series of hearty low-pitched male voices: "Hahaha! Good, good!"

I saw Ge Junjian withdraw his arm, and Yun Jian didn't stop it deliberately. When he got up, he laughed twice and looked at Yun Jian again. "The man who was in the factory that day is really you! "

Faced with such a raid, how could ordinary people turn around so calmly to suppress themselves!

Ge Junjian knows that his strength has not been weak, and he is also very clear, just how sensitive Yun Jian is!

Even if she just wanted to kill herself, I'm afraid she has no room to return!

This idea made Ge Junjian deepen his thoughts.

Yun Jian looked down, and she did not expect Ge Junjian to make such a move, but in this case, she did not have to reinstall.

"What are you looking for?" Yun Jian pursed his lips.

"Re-introducing myself. My name is Ge Junjian, the captain of the National High-level Special Forces." Ge Junjian is not afraid to reveal his identity in front of the teachers.

With that said, he paused, and then issued an invitation to Yun Jian in front of all the teachers: "Now, on behalf of the National Special Forces, I officially invite you to join us!"

Invite Yun Jian to join the National Senior Special Forces! ?

The teachers present widened their mouths, all amazed and surprised.

Just now Ge Junjian claimed to be a police officer to the teachers, and now he becomes the captain of the special forces.

He, he had to invite Yunjian to join them!

Everyone knows that they can be invited to join the team as senior special forces, and the future of the future is by no means comparable to the teachers present.

Yun Jian, she can have this face, let Ge Junjian, the captain of the senior special forces, personally invite!

When the teachers thought Yun Jian would immediately answer Ge Junjian's request, she raised her eyebrows slightly, and then said, "I refuse."

"Why?" This exclaimed from Ge Junjian.

You must know that the members who can enter the senior special forces are definitely the elite among the elites, and everyone is looking for glory.

And she refused?

"Reason." Yun Jian was not in a hurry, and in front of everyone, she hooked a stool over the teacher's desk with her feet from the side and sat down with her buttocks, and raised Erlang's legs to look at Ge Junjian.

If Yun Jian usually makes such a move, the teachers will definitely scold her, and they are so arrogant and arrogant in the teacher's office that they do not know the identity of their students.

But now, the ordinary teacher Yu Xuanang, the self-satisfied teachers don't even dare to come out.

Ge Junjian heard Yun Jian's meaning all at once.

He smiled again, thinking about Yun Jian's young age, and promised himself without asking for a moment of fame and fortune, so Yan Yan promised: "As long as you promise to join us, then in the country of Z, you can walk sideways! You do n’t want to take human lives. You are in Z, even at home and abroad, my senior special forces are your strong backing! "

This condition is tempting to Yun Jian.

When she is in country Z, she will gradually be associated with the underground organization in the previous life, and the last thing she wants to see is when she is away, her relatives will be persecuted because of herself.

Or because of herself, Qin Yiluan Yunyi will be taken away to threaten herself and so on.

Just like in the previous life, because he did not have three heads and six arms, he was taken by the enemy to threaten his brother when he was performing the task.

In the end she lost her loved ones.

When joining the team of Ge Junjian, one thing can be guaranteed is that even if he is not in Longmen City in the future, Qin Yi Ruan Yunyi will be well protected.

The state's protection of them will naturally not easily harm them.

What's more, Ge Junjian means that even if he hurts someone in the future, he can get out immediately after being arrested. This is the treatment of senior special forces?

She raised her jaw, squinted and looked at Ge Junjian, and raised her eyebrows, "OK, I agree."

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