Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1640: Mawson domineering, apologize to me

Even if Yun Jian didn't guess the warm chest, he could guess in one second who the warm chest came from.

Who else besides him?

As long as Si Yi is empty and can come out, he will come over anytime and anywhere.

To use an indecent word to describe Stewart, that is, even if she hides in the end of the earth, he will find her with his super invincible, hundreds of millions of times more sensitive than a dog.

Hush, if you told him she dared to use the words of a super invincible dog nose to describe his ability to find someone, Yun Jian estimated that he really couldn't get out of bed tomorrow.

He will definitely ‘love and love’ her!

"You are her boyfriend?" Lin Kun is not an idiot who Yun Jian encountered before. Except for being arrogant, Lin Kun is an excellent person.

Listening to Sidi calling Yunjian his woman, Lin Kun immediately responded. The man in front of him is Yunjian's boyfriend?

"We are married, she is my wife now!" Sidi Ke, regardless of Lin Kun's opinion of Yun Jian, he said that he would stretch his slender palm into a trouser pocket.

Yun Jian now knows what Syi is going to do just by looking at this gesture.

He has to take out their marriage certificate from country R again.

Yun Yi's quirk was a little embarrassed to say it. She coughed twice and grabbed her hand to reach out, which prevented her from taking out her marriage certificate.

Originally, Yi Yi had to show the marriage certificate and put it back again, but at this moment, Yun Jian held his big palm, and felt the tenderness of the young girl in the big palm. Fascinated, he forgot to move his hand into his pants pocket to get his marriage certificate.

I heard that Yun Jian was his wife, everyone around was a little surprised, but looking at Si Yi's handsome face, everyone around him couldn't say anything.

Stee's handsomeness made everyone present speechless.

"Cough! That's your boyfriend, I know." Lin Kungan coughed twice.

Couples in school sometimes use ‘husband and wife’ to call each other, but Lin Kun is not surprised.

"I just want to make friends with her. After all, everyone is a talent with outstanding strength. It is normal for talents and talents to make friends. Besides, I have no other malicious intentions ..."

Lin Kun felt that he was justified, and he rightly spoke to Si Yi.

It was only that half of this remark was made, and Si Yi interrupted Lin Kun's remarks.

"Do you think you deserve to make friends with my woman?" Actually want to make friends with his note? Si Yi resisted a shot and broke Lin Kun's heart, half-carrying Yun Jian's soft body and refusing to let go.


Really soft ...

Especially the abundance of his arm rubbing.


Just rubbing her hands in front of her abundance, you can feel her fullness.

I really want to rub, touch, lick and cough!

If Yun Jian knew what Si Yi was thinking about at the moment, he probably wouldn't let Si Yi hold it close to himself.

"Wow! Yunjian, you are actually married! Congratulations Congratulations! As a good friend, I will definitely go and drink your wedding!"

After listening to Si Yi's words, Luoberry, although a little surprised, still chose to believe and immediately congratulated Yun Jian.

Luo Bing was still playing with Xu Mei's number plate on her chest. This number plate wasn't hung up. She listened to Si Yi, so she said to Yun Jian.

Xu Mei was also a bit surprised, but after all she was more mature than Luoberry, so she didn't say much at the moment.

"Sure." After listening to Luo Bing's proposal to drink her and Si Yi's wedding drink, Yun Jian opened her lips slightly, and she pursed her lips with a smile.

After Luo Bing talked to Yun Jian, she lowered her head and fiddled with her number plate.

How can this stuff not get up!

In the distance, Nan Linlin saw that Yun Jian had such a handsome boyfriend. At the moment, she was unconvinced. She saw that Luo Bing had a good relationship with Yun Jian. Luo Bing was playing with her brooch. hit!

"Ah!" Luoberry fiddled with the brooch, which pinched directly into Nen's hands, and she screamed on the spot as she was stimulated by the pain.

Seeing this, Yun Jian and Xu Mei both wanted to take action.

However, before Yun Jian and Xu Mei took the shot, Nan Linlin, who was aggressively about to enter the Taekwondo Pavilion, was caught by Mo Sen, who stood behind Sidi, with her big hand, and blocked Nan Linlin's way forward.

Mo Sen gave Nan Linlin a stern glance. He shook Nan Linlin's wrist heavily, and flung Nan Linlin directly to the ground. Then he gave Luo Bing a rush and yelled at Nan Linlin: "Apologize to me ! "

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