Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1655: That stays when I am captive

When everyone was surprised that Leng Mei's words were true or false, Leng Mei stretched out five fingers and waved back and forth, and said:

"Okay, now the task given to me by my boss is done. I'm going home to sleep for a beauty sleep, please, see you next time!"

Then, Lengmei picked the whip on her hand, she turned around, reached out, and a smoke bomb appeared on her hand. She shook the smoke bomb on Yunjian and everyone.

After the smoke bomb was displayed, Lengmei put the smoke bomb on her red lips. She bit her smoke bomb's handle with her white teeth, and then dropped it directly on the ground. Quickly evacuated here.

At the same time, Leng Mei also left such a sentence: "Let ’s go, God, we will have a period later!"

The huge white smoke floated through.

In the smoke, Yun Jian's eyes flickered slightly.

"Huh, we are safe! Fortunately, the first master of the blood doll organization is not here to kill!" Some people in the crowd made a sound of congratulations when they were on the verge of death.

Chief Fang, all the special forces present were very relieved.

Fortunately, the woman named Lengmei just came to send a letter, otherwise there would be casualties against her!

Just as everyone around them breathed a sigh of relief, the smoke left by the white smoke bombs disappeared.

The crowd had not eased from the tight emotions just now, but they saw that on the Odaiba, Yun Jian held a woman's arm with one hand and pressed the woman's bent lower body easily under her.

Take a closer look, this woman

Isn't that just the cold charm that you just said?

Why was Yun Jian suppressed?

Suppressed by Yun Jian! !! !!

All the people at the scene suddenly reacted, one by one, their faces suddenly changed again.

This time, the crowd was not scared that Leng Mei, the first master of the blood doll killer organization, was still there.

It was scared, Yun Jian actually suppressed the cold charm!

Is it really like Leng Mei said!

Can't she beat Yunjian? ? And if she fights against Yun Jian, she will even fail fiercely?

"Oh, oh, lightly! My mother is so hurt by your pressure!"

Leng Mei was suppressed by Yun Jian, and she didn't panic. She let go of her arm, because she was suppressed by Yun Jian, so she couldn't swing her arm, and could only move it slightly.

"No, God, I didn't say it already, I came to send you a letter, not to fight against you! I dare not fight against you! Just let me go, succeed? Grandma, I admit good or not?"

If Leng Mei knew that she had been caught by Yun Jian, even if the leader gave her $ 100 million in employment fees, she wouldn't come here!

What's more, this trip only costs $ 5 million in employment fees!

"Where is the blood doll's headquarters." Yun Jian suppressed Leng Mei, and she asked the words lightly.

"I can't say this." Leng Mei shook her head and shrugged.

"Then you stay and be my captive." Yun Jian suppressed Leng Mei, and did not let Leng Mei stand up and resist.

This conversation between Yun Jian and Leng Mei made the audience below see the fog in the clouds.

what's going on?

Why does Yun Jian ask the headquarters of the blood doll?

She really thinks of herself as that, the first moment in the international agent ranking?

Even if Leng Mei said she was, how could this be!

Even if she suppresses Leng Mei, it doesn't mean that she is the first **** in the international agent ranking?

Just when everyone was living or not believing in this evil, the gate suddenly flashed into the two figures inside.

A few flashes of the two beautiful figures came to the ring field.

If you look at it, it's not celadon and Gu Nian.

When they saw Celadon and Gu Nian, the group of spectators sitting under them were startled.

Who are these two people?

But when they saw Qinglan and Gu Nian going to Yunjian, they shouted in unison: "Sister Jian!"

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