Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1665: This greeting, I accepted it

The girls standing next to the girl who bumped into Yun Jian were obviously the ones who saw Yun Jian unlocking the door of the bedroom building with wire.

So the moment they saw Yunjian, the girls were screaming in surprise.

The people who were with Yun Jian were a bit surprised when they heard the words of the girls who just started.

"Without a door lock, would you actually pry the door?" Duan Mu looked at Yun Jian in surprise and asked.

Everyone around looked at Yunjian with a look of surprise.

Yun Jian is the killer of the King's Squad, which is enough to surprise everyone present.

But who would have thought that Yunjian would even pry the door?

"She just unlocked the door lock of our girl's dormitory building without using the key just now. It really shocked us!" After listening to the words of these girls, it was obvious that she had not recovered from the surprise of Yun Jian opening the door lock .

There was an uproar around everyone, startled by Yun Jian's ability.

However, compared to this, Yun Jian was almost hit by Yun Jian at the entrance of the staircase, but was avoided by Yun Jian. The girl who had been hit **** her head was remembering resentment.

"Brother, it was just this woman who swelled a big bag on my head. You have to take revenge for me!"

The girl who nearly hit Yun Jian just now coquettishly pulled the hand of the man standing next to her, pointing at Yun Jian.

The girl was named Yang Lin, she was very tall, she was not ugly, she was in good shape.

Yang Lin is a typical social woman. The man standing next to her is a social gangster. Yang Lin likes to hang out with these social gangsters because she feels that she has a particularly high status in school.

Sometimes I even feel that I have a social brother covering me, and I can lift my head up at school.

The man standing next to Yang Lin was certainly not Yang Lin's brother. The man raised his head and looked at Yun Jian, and then uttered a loud voice to Yun Jian:

"You just now, bullied my sister?"

When he saw Yun Jian's appearance, the man released Yang Lin's hand and walked over to Yun Jian.

"What do you want to do?" Duan Mu asked the man coldly.

"She bullied my sister, and of course she will be back!" The man grinned twice and looked at Yun Jian a few times.

Being entangled in this group of society, there is absolutely no end.

Yang Lin looked at Yun Jian with her chest in her chest. She could almost imagine Yun Jian's begging for mercy.

When the man saw Yun Jian ignore him, he took another two steps towards Yun Jian.

Qi Mei hiding in the dark smiled coldly.

It seems that Yunjian is out of luck without having to do it himself!

Just when Yang Lin and Qi Mei watched the man go to Yun Jian's side for two more steps, Yun Jian must be dead.

Yun Jian's eyes flickered suddenly. She was sitting on the seat, suddenly stood up, and yelled, "All get down!"

Then she swept across the man's legs, hit the man's knee with one foot, and kicked the man directly on his knees.

The people around did not know why Yunjian suddenly screamed down, but all obeyed.

"What are you crazy about?" All of the surrounding letter Yunjian fell down, but Yang Lin asked a question after Yun Jian made a noise.

"That's ..." Before the last word "ah" was spoken, Qi Mei was frightened by the scene in front of her heart.

However, the next second, Yun Jian kicked a bench on his feet and held the bench in the air.

When the bench was stabbed to the highest point in the air, several "bangs" shots rang in the distance.

The gun rang and the bullets flew across.

Yun Jian's cricket bench, which was under the eyes of everyone, went straight up to the bullets that suddenly sounded and flew towards this side.

Several bullets aimed at Yunjian were intercepted by the bench flying out of Yunjian!

This scene can scare the faces of everyone present.

Especially Yang Lin and Qi Mei who did not believe Yunjian.

This scene completely subverted the understanding of everyone present!


There is a gun!

However, everyone had not been surprised by Yun Jian's terrible skills.

But when Yun Jian leaned down and picked up two bullet shells from the ground, she squinted and looked at somewhere. She had been silent for a while, and now she was skillfully playing with the two bullets picked up from the ground in front of everyone present. Two times, and then smirk:

"This meeting ceremony, I accepted it, but the blood doll called Ruo Yin, who is known as the sharpshooter, didn't plan to ... come out to gather?"

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