Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1671: Everyone, for her

Ruoyin's worry no one can understand!

She was a blood doll organization later. When the blood doll organization was a small organization, Ruo Yin was already in the blood doll organization.

Until the death of Dilin's father this year, Dilin became the leader of the new blood doll organization.

In less than half a year, the blood doll organization has gone from a small organization in Southeast Asia to the extinction of large and small organizations in Southeast Asia, and has become the first killer organization in Southeast Asia.

It can be said that Ruoyin watched the development history of Emperor Lin and Leng Mei's relationship with his own eyes.

Even a bystander like her was wondering!

Obviously their leaders like cold charm, but they don't say.

This feeling is really that the emperor is not in a hurry! Her **** is anxious to find a way to match her boss and Lengmei!

This looks so terrifying!

Yun Jian played with the gun in her hand, and she looked at Dilin with a light eye, waiting for Dilin's reply.

"Yes." Emperor said blankly to Yun Jian.

The woman he was looking for was Leng Mei who was captured by Yun Jian last time.

Watching the atmosphere here eased slightly, Wu Yaotian, Duan Mu, the owner Dong Dong in the distance, and Yang Jian who had previously collided with Yun Jian in the dormitory of the school. The babies came out of hiding.

But even so, they didn't dare to come here.

Who knows if Yun Jian's gun in his hand will go away.

This is a gun! Real gun!

Wiping the gun and leaving the fire will kill you!

Even so, everyone present was bewildered by what Yun Jian and Emperor Lin and Ruo Yin said.

What is a blood doll organization?

And Yun Jian captured a man named Lengmei?

What is this and what?

If it wasn't for seeing the gun in Yun Jian's hand firing just now, and confirming that it was a real gun, they would even think that Di Lin and Ruo Yin were actors hired by Yun Jian.

The purpose is to publicize his unparalleled skills in front of everyone!

At this moment, I saw standing in the middle of the street of Snack Street and staring at Di Lin's Yunjian with his squinting eyes suddenly raised his red lips to the highest point.

She picked up her beautiful eyes, turned her pair of eyes that seemed to be shining to the eyes of God's presence, and remained silent for two moments, and then she said:

"As for me, I never do loss-making business. You can send people back, but I have one condition."

When Yun Jian said that there was a condition, everyone standing in the distance opened his ears and listened.

"You said." Emperor Lin said with a calm face.

Yun Jian's lip was slightly hooked. At this moment, she calmed down and looked at Dilin. She gathered up the expression that was just a little fun, and passed the cold sound to everyone's ears:

"The blood doll belongs to me, man, you can take it!"

What she wants is the whole blood doll organization!

Even though everyone around did not know what a blood doll was, everyone present could feel that this blood doll was definitely not an ordinary thing.

After listening to Yun Jian's words, everyone present took a breath.

I have to say that Yunjian is crazy!

What she wants is not money or status.

But the entire blood doll organization!

"You ..." If she heard the sound, she was in a tense mood, and could not restrain it for a moment, and almost shot.

"I can give it to you, but before handing the blood doll to you, I want to see her intact." Di Lin Chaoruo waved his hand, stared sharply at Yun Jian and said.

As soon as Di Lin said this, even Yun Jian was slightly surprised.

The blood doll is not a small organization. The previous blood doll may be a small organization in Southeast Asia that is too small to be too small, but the blood doll is the first organization in Southeast Asia.

He just gave up so easily?

"Deal." But Rao was skeptical, Yun Jian also said this without changing his face.

She wants more than just the blood doll organization. She wants all the people in the blood doll organization.

For her use!

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