Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1674: Don't leave again, tell the teacher

"Certificate of me? 'The strongest female student'? Well, it was the inscription of President Ma himself! Yun Jian, did you go to the selection field last time and performed so amazingly that you won the first place in the trial! So President Ma gave you this. A certificate of merit! "

It was announced by the whole school! Lin Yan covered his mouth and laughed at the funny behavior of President Ma.

The issue of awards can be found in any school.

But ordinary awards are nothing more than 'Three Good Students', 'Activists', 'Good Children' and so on.

Going up a little bit to the top, that is the 'first prize', 'second prize', 'third prize'.

Nothing more is the general awards such as 'first place' and 'second place'.

But what about Yunjian? She did well, and President Ma directly wrote to her a ‘strongest female student’ certificate of merit.

The problem is that this certificate of merit has never been seen since the establishment of the Min Military Academy!

In other words, that is what Yunjian got, the supreme glory!

Therefore, after the announcement in the broadcast, all students around the week were discussing who was the Yunjian who was awarded the ‘strongest female student’ award or title.

High school students (2), aren't they freshmen in high school?

A freshman in high school can actually get the favor of President Ma!

The female voice in the broadcast was repeated several times, and Yun Jian was not in a hurry. After eating breakfast, she separated from Lin Ying and Mu Ying.

Yun Jian walked to the school administration office in a hurry.

Early morning is the most refreshing time of the day. At this time, teachers are going to have breakfast, so only a few RBI students are left here.

As soon as Yun Jian came to the entrance of the Academic Affairs Office, the female student standing in the door stopped Yun Jian:

"The teachers are now going to the cafeteria for dinner. If you have any questions about the teacher, come back later."

This female classmate is the most trusted student under the hands of a teacher of the Academic Affairs Office.

Teachers in schools usually have one of the most trusted students. This female classmate is the most trusted student under the hands of a teacher in the teaching office.

What information do teachers need to sort out? Female students are always called to the office to help.

Because she won the favor of the teacher, the female classmates were particularly airy in front of other students.

There are always a few students in the school. They obediently behave like pugs in front of the teacher. They can take care of all kinds of chores and dirty jobs, which has won the teacher's trust.

But in front of the students, it was extremely arrogant.

This female classmate who blocked Yun Jian was such a person.

There are no teachers in the Academic Affairs Office, so female classmates feel that in the Academic Affairs Office, it is up to them.

Therefore, Yun Jian was stopped by the female classmate before she entered the teaching office, and ordered Yun Jian to come back later.

"I'm a high school (2) class Yunjian. I heard the broadcast over to get a certificate of merit." Yunjian didn't talk nonsense to the female classmate, she directly stated her intention.

"You are Yunjian of Grade One (2)?" After listening to Yunjian's words, the female classmate looked at Yunjian up and down.

This female classmate is a senior junior, so after listening to Yun Jian's words, the female student looked at Yun Jian a few more times with a questioning look.

A freshman in high school can get the favor of President Ma! This is not what goes through the back door!

The female student looked at Yun Jian with a scornful attitude. She originally wanted Yun Jian to come to the teacher of the Academic Affairs Office. After hearing that Yun Jian was a Yun Jian in Grade One (2), she was even more unwilling to let Yunjian entered the teaching office.

"I said that the teacher is not in the school office now, you just get a certificate of merit, why do you have to get it now? In case you have less school office things, can you afford it?"

The female classmate kept her mouth open and was aggressive against Yun Jian.

Having said that, the female classmates are still very classic and take the majesty of the teacher to force Yun Jian: "You don't leave again, be careful I tell the teacher!"

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