Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1677: The principal is filming

As the principal of Min City Military Academy, President Ma is usually fierce, but for students who need help, President Ma is very enthusiastic.

It is just that President Ma Gui is the principal of the Min City Military Academy. Because he has an official position, he is not often in the school.

Therefore, most of the students saw the serious face of President Ma.

Wang Tingting and the other boys who were present were senior junior high school seniors or seniors. They spent more than two years at Min City Military Academy, and now they are in their third year.

This is the first time they have seen President Ma show his expression so excited.

"Come here! What are you standing at the doorway? Come in! Come in and have a cup of tea at the Academic Affairs Office!" Before Wang Tingting's face turned dark, President Ma had already greeted Yunjian into the Academic Affairs Office like a big leader.

Wang Tingting stood at the door of the Academic Affairs Office and encountered this kind of thing for the first time.

She didn't leave either. The teacher hadn't finished what she ordered, and she didn't want to stay. You should know what tone she used to talk to Yun Jian just now.

She even said that Yun Jian's ‘strongest female student’ award was asleep.

But she couldn't think of it. Yesterday, the classmates talked a lot about the female classmate who grabbed a pistol from the villain!

And the killer who won the first place in the trial, the famous king team, is her!

This reality made Wang Tingting, who had said bad things about Yun Jian just now, self-defeating. Not only that, at this moment, Wang Tingting felt that his face was beaten beyond recognition.

At this time, President Ma has invited Yun Jian to the Academic Affairs Office. He personally pulled Yun Jian a bench in front of the desk, let Yun Jian sit down, and then ran away and poured a cup of tea to Yun. The note is served.

"Come and drink, drink saliva first, and be hot, I'll get you the certificate!" After President Ma handed Yun Jian a tea cup, he ran to get the certificate again.

Wang Tingting looked dumbfounded.

Wang Tingting likes to make horse farts the most. Usually, it is very amazing to get the teacher's horse farts.

To be able to capture the principal's flattery, in Wang Tingting's view, it can be breathtaking to the sky.

But how did you get here to Yunjian and it turned out to be the headmaster's flattering?


Wang Tingting's eyes sank, and she just wanted to go back to find the boys who had shown off in front of Yun Jian and talked to him better.

However, they suddenly found that the boys had slipped away as soon as President Ma was polite to invite Yun Jian into the room.

Just now, in the heart of wanting to show off in front of pretty school girls, various ways of showing off their knowledge.

I never knew that the guys who showed off were Yun Jian himself!

Those boys naturally stayed here without a face, they didn't even say hello, and ran away.

Wang Tingting finally gritted her teeth and slipped away. She plans to wait for Yun Jian to leave and come back to clean up the teacher's account.

Later I used the excuse to tell my teacher that I was sick, so I went back to the toilet first and then came back to clean up ...

After sitting for a while at the Academic Affairs Office, Yun Jian returned to the classroom with a great praise from President Ma.

Hearing President Ma said that the time to go to the hunting school has not yet been determined and is currently awaiting notification.

But let her be ready at all times and wait for the notice to leave at any time.

Yun Jian responded to President Ma and returned to the classroom.

The week passed quickly, and it was Friday.

Si Yi was absent on Friday. After Yun Jian returned to Longmen City, he felt a bit dead at home. It was a bit uncomfortable at this time, but the night passed.

Early in the morning the next day, when the genius was lit, the door was knocked.

Yun Jian can almost know who is knocking on the door without guessing. It must be Ruo Yin and Di Lin.

Sure enough, as soon as the door opened, Yun Jian saw Ruo Yin who had just knocked on the door and retreated, and Emperor Standing behind Ruo Yin.

Dilin was still in his original appearance, with a black body all over his body and a black hoodie on his head, but could not cover his handsome but somewhat white face.

"I'll pick up my woman." Di Lin opened the door and saw the mountain road.

Yunjian red arc slightly raised.

Blood doll, delivered by hand.

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