Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1692: Will make you disappear completely

"The hand of death? She? She is the hand of death in your medical profession? What a joke!"

The doctor pointed at Yun Jian and said to Zhang Chengjun's mother just now, Zhang Chengjun's parents were dumbfounded, and they turned to look at Yun Jian with unbelievable eyes and exclaimed.

Especially Zhang Chengjun's mother, Wen's.

The son has always been his pride, and he gave birth to a son, so he has a special status in his in-laws.

The main point is that her son not only looks handsome, but has also been rated as the school's school grass. It really follows her strong genes, which has always been the place where Wen's is proud.

But I never expected that my son was stabbed by a crazy woman at school, his thigh was paralyzed, and he could no longer walk!

Wen has always felt that the girls in the school are not worthy of his son.

In fact, Zhang Chengjun had an accident at this moment, and Wen's didn't know the reason at all, she shoved all responsibilities onto Yun Jian.

So when Wenshi knew that it was Yun Jian who harmed her son, she rushed to vent her anger without saying a word.

However, Wenshi never thought that the girl who killed her son was actually the peak of the medical profession in the doctor's mouth, and even the "death hand" that even the patients who had declared death could be saved!

He has made his son become the girl he looks like now, and he has become the only person in the world who can save his son!

Enemies become targets to please!


Wen's bewildered, she never expected that things would turn out like this!

Zhang Chengjun, who was sitting in a wheelchair, also completely choked.

The principal Shi Shi of No.1 Middle School also petrified on the spot.

"As a doctor, I also have the professional ethics of doctors! I never make such jokes!

"At that time, patients in Ward 506 had stopped running their hearts and brains in the emergency room! This was a complete death!

"But as soon as she shot it, people came to life bizarrely! I saw it with my own eyes. No one can do this except the" Hand of Death "in our medical profession!"

The doctor listened to Wen's words and was very upset. In addition, he also wanted to show it in front of Yun Jian, so he spoke to Wen's in a very impatient tone.

The doctor dared to say so, can there still be fake?

The people present had to believe even if they did not believe it.

"You are really the" Hand of Death "! It is great to have such ability at a young age, but don't blame me for not reminding you that you have provoked someone who should not be provoked!"

Zhang Chengjun's father is much more calm than Wen's, and at the moment Zhang Chengjun's father Zhang Di is looking at Yun Jian seriously and yelling at Yun Jian with threatening words.

At the end of his speech, Zhang Di's expression eased a little, and he squinted at Yun Jian, directly indicating his purpose:

"My son is because you are sitting in a wheelchair now! As long as you find a way to cure him, I will not hold you accountable, otherwise I will rely on you to spend the rest of your life in prison!"

In this threatening discourse, Zhang Di did not think there was anyone behind Yun Jian.

Destroy a girl, it's easy with Zhang Di's power!

Now the most important thing is to heal his son's legs.

As for whether you really want to let go of Yunjian, this is hard to say!

"I won't cure him." Under the threat of Zhang Di, Yun Jian barely hesitated to speak.

"As for what you said, will I spend the rest of my life in prison ..." Yun Jian said here, and she had already come to the three of Zhang Di.

With his eyes squinted at the three Zhang Di, his red lips were slightly raised, and he spoke to them with a sound that only the three Zhang Di could hear:

"Do you know the bizarre fire that occurred in the Villa Forest of Jiefang Road the previous two days? If you want to disappear into this world forever like them, then you are welcome to start with me."

After a pause, Yun Jian's expression suddenly turned cold. At the moment when Zhang Di's faces suddenly panicked, Yin Yin said:

"Rest assured, I will make you disappear completely."

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