Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1699: Only three units worldwide

After Hu Yan boasted a few times in front of Qin Yirou, he still asked Qin Yirou if he would let his son take her for a ride.

There were very few people who could afford a car in this era. In 1999, only those symbolic wealthy people in the country could afford a car.

In fact, many people can afford a car but are unwilling to buy it. That's because buying a car, the cost of maintenance, fuel and other expenses within one year are not affordable for the average person.

The Hu Yan family is not rich, it can only be regarded as a well-off.

Qin Yirou only knew that Hu Yan ’s husband had died early. Hu Yan ’s son had been admitted to college and has now been out for work for many years.

I bought a suite in Longmen City, now I have married my wife and bought a car, and my life is tight.

Coincidentally, Hu Yan's son-in-law's daughter-in-law gave birth to a child on confinement. Hu Yan was then brought from the countryside to Longmen City.

But the family still needs expenses. Hu Yan had no choice but to come to work in the flower shop and go back to wash the dishes for her daughter-in-law at night.

The flower shop can also go home during lunch time. During these times, Hu Yan usually rushed home to make lunch for her daughter-in-law and grandson.

Otherwise, his son will not pick her up to Longmen.

Think of it this way, of course, Hu Yan has to perform better! Otherwise, she will be sent back to the countryside when her daughter-in-law finishes sitting this month!

Moreover, her daughter-in-law gave her a chubby grandson!

Hu Yan feels that her family can live from a country to a big city like Longmen City, which is a blessing to her son!

Sure enough, the boy is promising!

I also bought a sedan, a Volkswagen brand!

Hu Yan now feels that he is so energetic that he has enough money to go out and save face.

Qin Yirou is generally dressed and not exaggerated, but she is not particularly bad.

Hu Yan felt that Qin Yirou's family situation should be OK, but it should be a lot worse than her own. Therefore, she came over to show off something. It was Qin Yirou's self-confidence.

"Well, Yirou, you told me earlier that you also came from the countryside, afraid you have never been in a private car? Today my son drove over to pick me up, so don't go back so hard.

"Let ’s do that. Let your daughter take an umbrella to pick you up, and then go back in our car? How about it?"

Hu Yan said more and more happy, and even wanted to show off in front of Qin Yirou's daughter Yun Jian.

In fact, Hu Yan just came to work in a flower shop recently. She is not familiar with Qin Yirou.

But Qin Yirou is better, Hu Yan is the kind of person who can't keep her mouth shut, and other employees in the flower shop are too lazy to care about her, so she naturally wants to find presence in Qin Yirou.

Qin Yirou estimated that Yun Jian would drive to pick her up.

Qin Yirou is not surprised that her daughter can drive, because Yun Jian has to learn everything under Ge Junjian.

Driving is very important when performing tasks, and sometimes it can even save your life.

"No, my daughter ..." Qin Yizi was more easy-going, and she just said such a word.

Hearing only one horn sounded: "Batt!"

However, he saw a black Volkswagen parked next to the flower shop. A man took an umbrella from the Volkswagen and walked forward to Hu Yan:

"Mom, I'll pick you up from work."

Seeing the man's Volkswagen, other employees of the flower shop had to sigh: "Volkswagen 诶! How much money can I afford!"

"There isn't a hundred thousand in the family, but I dare not buy a car!"

"Suona! Really rich!"

Listening to the words of people around, Hu Yan was almost flying to heaven with a heart, she pretended to calm Qin Yiju: "Qin Yirou, don't be so polite, later you will let your umbrella girl Let's go back in my car together "

I didn't know what this had just said. A fiery supercar in the distance rushed here like lightning, and the last one drifted and stopped suddenly.

"Which car is this? Whoops, I don't think this car is cheap! I have never seen such a beautiful car!"

Someone exclaimed immediately.

Hu Yan followed his eyes straight, a little envious.

However, immediately when Hu Yan was envious, she saw the girl sitting in the car opened the door of the car, got off the umbrella, and walked towards the flower shop. She went straight to Qin Yirou and stood in front of Qin Yirou: "Mom, we Come back home."

At this, Hu Yan's eyes widened!

Qin Yirou has a car? Or a car with no name and only two seats?

This was just the moment I thought about it, but everyone at the scene heard that Hu Yan's son suddenly changed. He trembled and pointed at Yunjian's car, exclaiming:

"Isn't that the world's limited edition Ferrari LaFerrari, which only sells three cars! There are only three cars in the world, and each one sells for a sky-high price! It is out of print. I want to buy this super sports car, or a limited edition , Don't even talk about it without ten million!

"Even a lot of people can't get money! They also have to have a backstage! How can this car appear in our Longmen market!"

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