Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1703: My aunt was humiliated and swallowed

Qin Yirou was sitting next to her. She looked so clear about the appearance of Si Yi Hu Yun.

Seeing Si Yi protecting Yun Jian, someone around him rammed him, he didn't even frown, and still protected Yun Jian with his strong body thunder. Qin Yirou opened his mouth and wanted to say something Then, finally shut up.

Seeing him protecting his daughter like this, Qin Yirou felt indescribable.

How lucky my girl is to meet such a good child as Si Yi!

If Qin Yirou's inner narration is listened to by Si Yi, it is estimated that he will be unable to resist.

It is his happiest thing to meet her!

Take the last bus from Longmen City to Xinjiang Town. The people on the last bus can be regarded as crowded, and even the air in the car is not fresh because there are too many people. It is very sultry and unpleasant.

Yun Jian didn't feel any bumps on the way, because Si Yi stood behind her and hugged her in her arms tightly, so that no one around him could touch her.

Qin Yirouguang saw that Si Yi was protecting her daughter, but she did not even notice that when Si Yi was protecting Yun Jian, she also bent her lean back and lowered her head slightly, and her thin lips were intimately attached to Yun Jian's ears. side.

The big palms were even more exciting, and Si Yi and Yun Jian stood beside Qin Yirou. He put his big palms on her waist and placed it in front of her abdomen.

Yun Jian's chest is very large, especially now that she is still growing and developing.

To this day, even if Yun Jian wears a very loose blouse, she cannot hide her plump double profit.

Si Yi's bracelet is located above Yunjian's abdomen without any fat, and she can even feel her towering double profit.

Qin Yirou didn't realize that Si Yi was carrying her daughter to eat several mouthfuls of tofu, and her eyes were full of relief.

Xinyu's own daughter met someone who loved her like this.

Of course, Si Yi "cherished" Yun Jian, and he also planned to "cherish" her bones ...

It was not until Xinjiang Town got out of the bus that Yunjian breathed fresh air, and at this time the sky was completely darkened.

The uncle who just talked to Si Yi was also from Xinjiang Town. Before he left, he still smiled, tiptoeed and patted Si Yi's shoulder, and then gave a thumb to Si Yi:

"The lads who will hurt your daughter-in-law are all good! The little girl followed you at a young age and had a vision!"

With that said, the uncle shook his head with a smile and drifted away.

The uncle left, but what the uncle said was to make Yun Jian's cheek slightly moist.

"Let's go." Qin Yirou led Yun Jian and Si Yi back to Zhang Meihua's house ...

After dinner in the evening, whether in the countryside or township, people who have been busy for a day do not have to go to work at night, they will sit around the door of a house and chatter.

When Qin Yirou brought Yun Jian and Si Yi to Zhang Meihua's house, a group of old women were sitting in front of Zhang Meihua's house.

There were a few young girls standing beside this group of old ladies, very outstanding.

The reason why these young girls stand with a group of old ladies is simply to look at their young, promising, or show off in front of the old ladies to find enough sense of superiority.

It is not difficult to see that these young girls are also the nieces or granddaughters of the old women's family.

The old ladies were showing off their nieces or granddaughters.

Qin Fangfang was still sitting on the bench next to a group of people.

The old lady around him spoke to Qin Fangfang at this time, and persuaded Qin Fangfang.

"Fangfang, we all watched you grow up. Now you have something like this, oh ..."

This old lady said it was quite light. Someone who was unhappy about Qin Fangfang spoke directly to Qin Fangfang:

"Tell me to say that your husband is derailed, but there is no reason! You said that you have been married to others for so many years, they are a wealthy family, you did not give them a child and a half daughter, who can stand it! I'm derailed if you change me! "

Qin Fangfang was married to the luxuries, and Zhang Meihua took her daughter to marry the luxuries to show off things. Now these old ladies saw Qin Fangfang's downfall one by one, and couldn't help but say a few words that were down.

"Well, you can't say that! People have just been rushed back to their parents, we can't say that, it hurts people's hearts!" Another old woman rolled her eyes at Qin Fangfang.

Zhang Meihua didn't sit here at this time, naturally she didn't know what these people were pointing at her daughter, otherwise she certainly didn't agree with these old women insulting their most beloved daughter.

Yun Jian from the distance saw this scene, her eyes flashed sharply.

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