Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1710: Madam shot, kill them all

"Yo, isn't this classmate Lu Feiyan! Hehe! Your dad killed someone, is he still squatting in the office?"

When Lin Mengyu saw Lu Feiyan, she immediately remembered that Lu Feiyan's father had been hit by a female teacher at school and accidentally fell off the pole from a high-rise building and strangled a person.

That incident was buzzing in Xinjiang Town and Xinjiang Town School.

Because Lin Mengyu is the daughter of the principal of Xinjiang Town, she naturally understands this matter.

And Lu Feiyan was Yun Jian's friend. At first Lin Mengyu shouted that two of his classmates were going to poke Yun Jian's head into the toilet pit, which was when Lu Feiyan called his teacher to sue.

Although the teacher helped her.

So when seeing Lu Feiyan running over again and protecting him in front of Yun Jian, Lin Mengyu poked at Lu Feiyan's scar without thinking about it.

Lu Feiyan's father was rescued by Yun Jian, and he had to go to jail all his life. Now his sentence has been reduced, but he can't avoid prison.

This is Lu Feiyan's pain.

Therefore, when listening to what Lin Mengyu said, Lu Feiyan immediately clenched his fist.

"I don't allow you to say my dad!" If Li Xiangyi, who wasn't standing behind him, grabbed Lu Feiyan's arm, Lu Feiyan was furious but rushed straight up and had to start with Lin Mengyu.

If it was before, Lu Feiyan and Lin Mengyu would not be disadvantaged.

But now Lin Mengyu has practiced with Master for a year, and his strength is naturally different from the past.

Looking at Lu Feiyan who wanted to stab himself but was stopped, afraid of his own strength, Lin Mengyu instantly felt a sense of satisfaction.

Sure enough, strength is good, no one can bully himself, anyone who wants to bully can do it!

Seeing this scene, Lin Mengyu felt that he was truly invincible.

Everyone around me thinks the same.

"Mengyu, you are so good! Great! I was shocked when I heard that you were apprenticed by an expert! I really admire you so much!"

"Yeah! What is that Yunjian! Huh! It's time to surrender to you!"

Several female students in the same class around Xinjiang Town School started to praise Lin Mengyu greatly. The praise tone almost didn't praise Lin Mengyu to the sky.

The neighbors near Zhang Meihua's house are gathering here, and there are more and more people. Anyone who sees theater, is worried, or is gloating.

It's just that none of these theater people can speak.

Just when Lin Mengyu was content with himself and felt very amazing, he really felt that he was a legend in the praise of the crowd.

Yun Jian's words rang suddenly and reached the ears of everyone present:

"Wizards once in a thousand years? Just looking at your bones evacuated, people like you should not be suitable for learning martial arts! I can boast you as a master of rare encounters in a thousand years, I really want to see!"

Yun Jian hugs her chest, she scorns Lin Mengyu.

Lin Mengyu's bones were evacuated, and his hands were soft. Even if he really met an expert, even if he was really trained from childhood to age, he would not even reach the level of a high-level killer in his whole life.

And people like Zhang Shaofeng who have strong bones and powerful punches can reach the sky with just a few words of guidance! This is why Yun Jian accepted Zhang Shaofeng as an apprentice.

Lin Mengyu is a rare talent in a thousand years?

Yun Jian almost didn't sneer.

"Why, I heard that I'm a rare talent in a thousand years. Are you jealous! I tell you, even if you're jealous, it's useless because it's born! The master said, I'm born to be good at martial arts!

After listening to Yun Jian's words, Lin Mengyu thought Yun Jian was jealous. She laughed twice and spoke confidently.

However, just after Lin Mengyu said this, a woman with **** and fat buttocks walked into the doorway. This woman was charming and bulged forward, and attracted the attention of many men as soon as she entered the door.

After seeing the woman looking at the scene, she laughed twice, and then said to Yun Jian in front of everyone:

"SS, you are so lively here, you heard the voice before the mother entered the door! So much scum, do you need my mother to help you kill them!"

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