Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1713: I can accept it

Yun Jian spoke slowly and coldly in front of everyone around him.

When the faces of the people around them also slowly exited with Yun Jian, they suddenly darkened.

Quiet, deadly silence.

There was no sound around, and no one dared to speak at this moment.

Yun Jian's words were spoken in front of so many people, including her biological mother Qin Yirou.

If she lied

Where did she make up this lie?

And at this moment, even Master Lin Mengyu identified her as ...


The crowd present was confused for a while, especially when Yun Jian said the last sentence, "I am the first international agent ranking, number 006".

Whether it is Qin Yirou, who is not far away, or Lu Feiyan, Li Xiangyi, and others, including Zhang Meihua and Qin Fangfang, plus Lin Mengyu and his neighbors who have been completely stunned.

Everyone's eyes flashed a picture.

In that picture, Yun Jian stood in the middle with a **** butterfly knife in her hand, and the body was lying sideways. She was wounded, but standing in the center of the body like an okay person, like a king of slaughter!

She is the number one in the international agent rankings, number 006!

It is the top existence that everyone has never imagined before!

"This ... it's impossible to wonder, no wonder you changed! I said why when you were in the toilet a year ago, you suddenly became so powerful! It turns out you are you! You are ... ..! "

Lin Mengyu had been refuting with all their might, how could Yunjian be the first moment in the ranking of international agents!

But she suddenly reacted!

A year ago, Yun Jian was still a snot that was so weak that she could be bullied by the toilet.

But she suddenly changed!

Just that time, she suddenly changed! Learn to fight back! Strength has become amazing! Elusive!

At that time, Lin Mengyu was wondering why Yunjian became another person!

After Yun Jian admitted his identity just now, Lin Mengyu first thought it was impossible.

The first moment in the international agent ranking! What is there!

Although I haven't heard of Yun Jian's record, hearing this title for the first time made everyone in the audience feel incredible.

So Lin Mengyu thinks this is impossible!

How could it be Yunjian!

But in the end, even Lin Mengyu couldn't explain why Yunjian suddenly became so powerful!

That way, it's like changing people!

So Lin Mengyu changed his mouth again.

Everyone around me stared at the scene in front of me. At this moment, no one dared to say a word!

Yun Jian's eyes looked at Qin Yirou tightly, she was shocked to see Qin Yirou's complexion from the initial unbelief.

Qin Yirou's raised hands had not been lowered, so she looked at Yun Jian so stupidly that she could not say a word.

Yun Jian pursed her red lips, and then suddenly smiled.

Now that you have decided to say it, say it thoroughly.

"Mom, I'm sorry to have kept you out for so long, and I'm sorry, I'm not your biological daughter.

"I'm an agent trained by the Dark Souls organization, number 006, code-named Sushen. I was detained in a dark organization with hundreds of children, but in the end, they died in my hands.

"Because they don't die, the dead is me! I have no choice.

"I'm not your familiar daughter, nor the child you brought from childhood to birth. I'm just an orphan. I kill countless people. My hands are covered with blood, killings, wars, heavy weapons, machinery, computer operations. Proficient, but only do not understand family.

"It was you who gave me an ordinary life and felt the love of motherhood. The mediocre, but caring life I longed for."

Having said that, Yun Jian paused for two seconds. She pursed her red lips, opened her mouth and looked at Qin Yirou with a slow tone. There was a feeling that she could not ask, but had to say.

This was the first time in her life that she was at a loss for someone:

"So can you still accept me like this?"

As long as Qin Yirou retorts, she will set up Qin Yirou, leave immediately, leave the Z country, and return to the world where she saw blood.

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