Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1736: Nourishing, calm and calm

‘Welcome to the killer world’.

This sentence by Yun Jian stirred panic in the hearts of everyone present.

"What is the killer world? What are you talking about !?" After Yun Jian's words came down, a tremor exclaimed immediately.

What is she saying!

What a killer world! They are kidnapped now, not playing games!

Somehow, I didn't know what Yun Jian said, but when I first heard Yun Jian's words, Ma Yichen and the two boys standing next to Ma Yichen stirred up a blood in his heart.

What she said just now makes her heart boil!

"Looks like you know where we are? Could you please tell us, what exactly are we doing now? Was someone kidnapped us or?"

After Ma Yichen was agitated, he looked at Yun Jian and looked at her with the plea that Yun Jian told him, and made a sound.

Suddenly fainted, after waking up, he was loaded into a large airtight truck, and was transported to a place he didn't know every day.

Not to mention those girls who started crying, even Ma Yichen was flustered in her heart.

But as a boy, he had to be strong again.

Is it like a girl present, that he is a big man who clenches his fists into a dumb powder fist and puts tears in the corner of his eyes?

This is simply unrealistic!

Ma Yichen's anxious question was not answered by Yun Jian.

At this moment, Yun Jian has closed his eyes.

Finally quiet for a while.

After a while, Hu Yirou started yelling again:

"Brother Yichen, look at her virtue! Hum! It ’s obvious that she didn't know anything. She was still pretending to be there. Isn't that girl who was stunned by her just afraid? We cry when we are scared. Normal!

"Where's she? She's so straightforward, she seems to say‘ Shut up first if you do n’t want to die ’. Well, who is she? Who is this!”

After Hu Yirou said these words, there was noisy space just now, and suddenly there was no sound.

Hu Yirou swallowed, seeing the silent surrounding, she added to the place where Yun Jian was, and added: "My brother Yichen is so powerful without your arrogance ..."

"You all shut up, we don't know where we are going to be in a while, we have been noisy for almost an hour, and we have no strength. Wait, what do you want to do other than to be slaughtered by others?"

At the moment Hu Yirou's words had just been finished, he kept silent, and Xu Mei, who was so energetic, couldn't help but say a word.

Yun Jian's reply was short, that is, he didn't want to spend all his energy on speaking.

Xu Mei really couldn't help but speak now.

These people are too noisy!

After Xu Mei had finished speaking, Hu Yirou was silent, she had nothing to say.

"Yun Jian just shut you up just now. I want you to keep up your energy. Don't even have the strength to resist others!

"What we eat and drink now is nothing. We keep crying and talking about it. What can it do? Apart from exhausting our physical strength, it's hard to cry. When you talk, you can go back?

"Shut up if you don't want to die, and don't know what will happen later! No one can save you here! Well, I won't say any more, you can do it yourself!"

The surrounding group of people scolded Yun Jian, Xu Mei listened to her ears, and finally she couldn't help but stand up and say something for Yun Jian.

After listening to Xu Mei's words, the people around him who did not have a good opinion of Yun Jian immediately changed their attitudes.

Xu Mei is relatively old and feels quite calm, so everyone around him really listened to Xu Mei and stopped talking.

The car returned to tranquility instantly.

Yun Jian raised her eyebrows and closed her eyes.

But at this moment she understood that everything was calm and calm, and it was the eve of the storm.

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