Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1752: The whereabouts of the master

Yun Jian was angry.

Lan Su is not only her former protector, but also her friend.

As a witch **** in the previous life, Lan Su has accompanied her for thousands of years, and this emotion cannot be described by words.

At this moment, she flew out of the knife and directly chopped Jiege's life. After making Jiege painfully tumbling on the ground, she drew five fingers in one hand, and two bright butterfly knives were held between her hands.

Yun Jian walked slowly into the box. Every step, everyone in the room felt that his cells were shaking violently.

She just flew out a flying knife just now, that knife seemed to be held in the hand of death, and the knife flew out with a precision so that everyone in the audience felt incredible speed, and killed Jiege's life!

Such horrible skills should never appear on a teenage girl.

But this young girl who suddenly appeared at the gate of the box, did it!

Just when everyone was frightened about the sudden appearance of this young girl, Lin Shuya, not far from Yunjian, pointed at Yunjian slightly, her face scared, and she exclaimed on the spot:

"Yun ... Yunjian! You you you you ... why are you here!"

Lin Shuya has seen Yun Jian's means. This time, if she dares to do so, she is absolutely sure that Yun Jian is not in Min.

Lin Shuya had just said this, and before she said anything, Yun Jian kicked Lin Shuya's belly in front of everyone in the box, and immediately fell Lin Shuya to the ground.

Her figure followed closely, and the butterfly knife on her right hand flung left and right, and she swiftly and accurately placed the blade at the neck of Lin Shuya, who was stung to the ground.

This process, however, was completed between the two breaths, but it scared the group of young girls standing around, as well as the young gangsters in the society who were like Jiege.

These puppets are particularly powerful, and often like to take their girlfriends or female friends in school out of bars or nightclubs to play.

Usually a large group of people play together, always like to brag about something they think is very proud and airy, and then get the worship of a large group of girls to show their sacredness.

Generally, such small chubby is a gang.

But they are usually more energetic and more powerful, and they have never seen such a powerful girl as Yun Jian!

So this group of small puppets opened their mouths, stupidly stupidly with an unbelievable expression, and looked at Yunjian and could not speak any more.

But when Yun Jian over there fell Lin Shuya to the ground, she put the butterfly knife stand on Lin Shuya's neck, and her sneer face made everyone around them feel creepy:

"I'll send you to hell, OK?"

"Yun Jian, we are classmates! Please put down the knife! Have something to say! Just now all this is just a misunderstanding ..." Lin Shuya was so frightened that she tried to find a reason to fool the past.

As soon as Lin Shuya said this, Yun Jian pushed the butterfly knife on her hand and sent the blade to Lin Shuya's neck.

The hot pain hit Lin Shuya's body instantly, Lin Shuya screamed, and the blood flowed out, she dared not move any more.

But listening to Yun Jian's lazy noise, it came again, and the words were not to Lin Shuya: "Not yet?"

Yun Jian ignored Lin Shuya directly.

Everyone was startled, what wasn't up yet?

When I just thought about it, I saw that Lan Su, who had passed out, turned over from the sofa when he turned over.

Everyone took a look, dumbfounded on the spot.

Isn't she already fainted?

Why did you wake up again!

And more importantly, Yun Jian can actually see that Lan Su is pretending to be dizzy!

Lan Su just fooled everyone present!

Everyone at the scene couldn't help wondering what kind of person Lin Shuya's Yunjian was! This person is too terrible!

At this moment, I saw that Lan Su touched her nose, pulled a little arc, and walked in front of Yun Jian in front of all the people in the audience, and said to Yun Jian:

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you. I came here to tell you on behalf of the patriarch that your master's whereabouts are missing."

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