Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1754: Billions of dollars, never shot

This middle-aged man's gesture of begging people is very noticeable.

In particular, he ran to school to ask for help.

In the physical education class, Yunjian and their class are not the only ones. There are several classes around in the physical education class.

The middle-aged man's cry for help, and what he just said, spread across the scene clearly, and surprised many people present at a loss.

Especially the middle-aged man said the last thing.

He actually said ...

Yunjian is the hand of death in the medical world?

Last time I saved a girl who had already declared dead at the People's Hospital of Longmen City! ?


What a joke!

Several girls in the Yunjian class played better with Lin Shuya, so after hearing what the middle-aged man said, they all laughed out loud.

"The hand of death in the medical world? Don't say, I really care about things in the medical world! The hand of the death, but the king of the medical profession! I heard that a person's heart and brain have been confirmed dead, she can Save it!

"She is the most powerful medical genius in the world today! It is a real reincarnation!

"But how can such a powerful person be Yunjian? Even if it is dead, it cannot be Yunjian! And if Yunjian is so powerful, why didn't she choose to fill in our military medical specialty when she applied for military school?"

A girl who looks pretty good standing not far from Yunjian is Yunjian's classmate and Lin Shuya's friend.

The girl said, and the disguised mission taunted Yun Jian.

Girls, because they are military doctors, feel very special. They are totally different from Yun Jian, who do not understand medicine at all.

As soon as the girl spoke, many people around her answered.

Yun Jian's strength has become so prominent, could she still be dead?

The middle-aged man listened to the people around him and said he insisted on his own opinion: "No! She is, she must be the hand of death."

With that said, the middle-aged man looked at Yun Jian again and said to Yun Jian: "The last operation you performed at the Longmen People's Hospital had monitoring records. You saved the dead!

"As long as you rescue our young master, my old master will pay you 50 million!"

The middle-aged man, surnamed Zhuo, is the steward of the young and old masters in his mouth.

The housekeeper Zhuo watched his young master grow up.

Just now, the master of his family had a car accident and was judged by the hospital to be irrecoverable. He had to wait for death.

Coincidentally, the doctor at the hospital said that only the hand of death in the medical profession can rescue people back.

The doctor also said that the last place where the hand of death appeared was the Longmen City People's Hospital.

Mr. Zhuo ’s old man ’s family had the right to have power. He called Yun Jian ’s identity a few phone calls and turned to the surveillance video of the operation site of the Longmen People ’s Hospital at the time.

As soon as he got the address, the housekeeper Zhuo rushed over and asked Yunjian to save people.

50 million rewards!

50 million! Today in 1999, 50 million is simply an astronomical figure, which is equivalent to so many billions in modern times!

So after listening to Mr. Zhuo's words, the students around him were dumbfounded.

Even the girl who just said that Yun Jian was not the hand of death was completely stupid.

It was at the moment that everyone thought Yun Jian had listened to the butler of Zhuo, regardless of whether he was really the hand of death or not, he would promise the first moment.

However, she saw the cold arc of Yunjian distant in the distance. She sneered and said quietly to the steward, "When did you ask me to save people? The cost has become so low?"

Yun Jian's words were over, and everyone was stunned.

What Yunjian said was

She must be that legend

However, before everyone thought about it, they listened to Yun Jian's words and spread them again. The words were addressed to the housekeeper Zhuo:

"The former richest man in North America sent a billion dollars directly to my Cali, and I have never shot. Who is your master, who is worth 50 million, just thinking that I will save him?"

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