Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1760: When she first entered college, she was amazing

Witch **** is not only the supreme existence of worship and worship of Yulong continent, she is also the symbol of Yulong continent.

Symbolizes eternal and undefeated existence!

The Wu tribe, who has the Lord Witch God, must be prosperous!

Royal Dragon Continent, there are adults of Witch God, in addition to the **** continent, in the vast universe, no continent can be compared with the Royal Dragon Continent!

This is the value of Lord Witch God!

She is God! It is the symbol of Royal Dragon Land!

In the Yulong continent, if the witch **** appeared in front of the family members of a certain Yulong continent, it would feel like a clear sky to those in the family.

Even when Shen Wei saw Yunjian at first, he had a momentary nagging.

I really saw the Shen family that once was in the Royal Dragon mainland, and never existed like a god!

The words of Lord Witch God have never given up!

There is an adult Witch God, and those families who often do bad things are probably finished!

Shen Wei was relieved

The Shen family has great power, so it's not difficult to run Yunjian and transfer directly to the Meteor Noble Academy.

"Dad, are you going to go to school with me?" Early in the morning, Shen Bi, who saw Yun Jian carrying a shoulder bag on his side, blinked and asked Shen Wei next to him.

Shen Bi is fifteen years old. She has jumped two levels in a row because of her outstanding academic performance, and she is smart and easy to learn.

The Meteor Noble Academy is a joint junior high school and high school, but the Meteor Academy is a noble college. Here, you have the money to enter!

Moreover, the qualifications of teachers and the school environment requested by Meteor Noble Academy are first-rate!

Shen Bi is actually very cute. When she saw Yun Jian at the beginning, she was misled by Hua Wenrou, so she said a few words to Yun Jian that didn't make much sense.

But Shen Bi also apologized.

And since Yun Jian rescued her brother Shen Shaocheng, Shen Bi called Yun Jian a "death sister".

Yun Jian had no opinion, she smiled slightly at Shen Bi.

"Don't tell others that the elder sister is the hand of death! This will cause trouble for the elder sister!" Shen Weichao sighed to Shen Bi.

"Dad, I know!" Shen Bi spit out her tongue at Shen Wei, then walked over and pulled Yunjian out, and halfway back she glanced at Shen Wei: "Dad, take good care of your brother, then we first gone!"

"Look at the road! Go slowly!" Shen Wei looked at his daughter Shen Bi's departure with pity. He smiled kindly and said something.

Home is not close to school, not far away, but Shen Bi never takes a private car. She is independent and always runs to school while running and exercising.

Yun Jian appreciates this.

After Yun Jian followed Shen Bi into the gate of the Meteor Noble Academy, Shen Bi led Yun Jian all the way to the classroom of Class Two (1).

Yun Jian followed the school to protect Shen Bi, and was naturally placed in the same classroom.

"Sister of Death, there is still a seat in the back of the classroom. You may be wronged to sit in the back of the classroom first, because our seat table was arranged before our class." Shen Bi looked at Yunjian apologetically.

"No problem." Yun Jian smiled slightly at Shen Bi.

Early in the morning, Yun Jian just accompanied Shen Bi to the classroom, which attracted the attention of many students in the class.

One of them was a rich child who came to Yun Jian and looked at Yun Jian with jokes: "Yo, a transfer student? The younger sister is pretty?"

As soon as this was said, all of a sudden, an exclamation came from the large playground outside the classroom.

"Ah! It's Leng Shao coming! Leng Shao is so handsome !!!"

"Still my family Lin Shao is even more handsome! It is one of the three major school grasses of our school!"

"Oh my God, I'm almost dizzy!"

Words like this keep ringing.

As soon as Shen Bi heard it, she put down her schoolbag in a bang and told Yunjian that "sister I will go and see" and ran out.

Yun Jian's task is to protect Shen Bi, and she naturally follows her at all times. Seeing this, she shakes her hand, and her schoolbag flies directly to the empty seat in the last row of the classroom at a distance of more than ten meters.

A large group of classmates in the classroom turned away from the classroom with a look of horror at the rich child who had just wanted to talk to her.

It took a long time before the exclaimed cry of the wealthy child who wanted to take Yun Yunjian in the classroom: "She is so good!"

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