Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1763: So she is, Lord Witch God

‘I ’m the Witch of the Yulong continent. The witch ’s daughter who has been in charge of the life and death of the imperial continent for generations, the **** of witches! ’

This sentence spread around the big playground of the Meteor Noble Academy, Yun Jian stood in place, and she glanced at the crowd coldly. The slim figure stood upright in front of the crowd, as if a **** with a power to kill.

This conversation also spread to the ears of everyone present.

It even spread to Leng Yizheng, Song Zilin and Gong Shangjin, and the school flower Lin Qiuyi standing in front of Yun Jian.

It stirred up the fiery hearts of this group of people, and even surprised everyone present.

"What are you talking about? You are the daughter of the Witch of the Dragon Continent, the Witch God? The legendary Witch God!" Lin Qiuyi heard Yun Jian's words, and she reacted the most. She covered her mouth on the spot and exclaimed.

Just a moment ago, he looked indifferent, as if looking at a funny scene, Leng Yichan, who looked at Yun Jian, was also surprised to remove the sunglasses he had been wearing on his face.

Song Zilin's peculiar son-like face also showed thriller.

Gong Shangjin instantly gathered his dangling look, and the whole person became strict. At the same time, he stared at Yunjian with serious eyes, and his brows were almost wrinkled into a bumpy hill.

As for Shen Bi standing beside Yunjian, she was dumbfounded.

"How could she be the Witch God of Yulong Continent! Isn't that Yulong Continent a legendary place! And isn't that Witch God more a legendary god? How could it appear here?"

An ordinary girl who did not know the situation looked at Yun Jian, and in order to please the school flower Lin Qiuyi, she uttered a cold voice to Yun Jian.

This ordinary girl is called ordinary because many people in the Meteor Aristocratic Academy are the family and young masters who emigrated from the Royal Dragon Continent thousands of years ago.

Obviously, this ordinary girl, she is not the young lady of the family.

As soon as this ordinary girl finished speaking about Yun Jian, she fell into a deadly silence all around.

Even Lin Qiuyi did not stand up to answer what the ordinary girl said.

Even if Lin Qiuyi hopes very much, Yun Jian is just like this ordinary girl, it is not the witch **** of Yulong mainland at all.


After the ordinary girl finished speaking, the scene was silent, and finally, Song Yalin, who was so elegant as a gentleman, stood up and explained:

"Ahem, all descendants and descendants of this family can know that the Witch Lord Lord of the Royal Dragon Continent cannot be impersonated. Once impersonated, they will be destroyed.

"This catastrophic disaster will break out without you knowing it. It will die within a few days. There is no way to find out why."

Having said that, Song Zilin put his fist in his hand and put it in his mouth. After coughing a few sounds to relieve the awkward atmosphere, he looked at Yunjian in front of everyone and continued to speak:

"The words she said just now are not that the people in the family do not even know that the Witch God is the daughter of the Witch Clan of the Yulong continent and is in charge of the existence of the Yulong continent.

"So she is a family member, and as a family member, she must know that if she is posing as an adult witch god, she will be cursed and die strangely. Even if she is stupid, she will never make fun of her life!

"I once had a daughter in the Song family who was posing as a witch in a joke, but in less than three days, I was unexpectedly crushed by a sudden truck ...

Song Zilin usually shows up in the eyes of the general public. He is a handsome and handsome man, and he is also very good. He never lies or talks nonsense.

He has a completely different temperament from the cold and extreme coldness and wearing a pair of sunglasses.

Even if an unfamiliar girl fell to the ground, Song Zilin would walk over to help.

At this critical juncture, Song Zilin's analysis of this matter was quite clear.

After listening to Song Zilin's analysis, everyone present looked at Yun Jian with a violent meal.

But after listening to Song Zilin's words, it came clear again, and this made the people at the scene swallowed, with a moment of panic:

"So she is the Lord of the Witch Gods of the Witch Clan of Yulong Continent!"

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