Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1768: Good family, bad hands

Leng's family is the highest in the family of all the young ladies or young masters present.

Of course, it is limited to the family of these young ladies or young men present.

The family from the Royal Dragon Continent does not necessarily send their children to the Meteor Noble Academy to study.

In addition to the family of the young lady and the young master who attended the Meteor Noble Academy, they came from the Royal Dragon Continent, and there are many other families in the area of ​​Nancheng, Jiangxi Province.

Of course, the Leng family is the largest family of student families studying at the Meteor Noble Academy.

Therefore, Leng Yizheng is the most popular at the Meteor Noble Academy, and he is handsome, and can be described as the perfect object in the minds of these idiot-like girls.

In the eyes of the Meteor Noble Academy students, the Leng family is the supreme existence, and as the head of the Leng family, Father Leng is undoubtedly the object of admiration.

But such an admired object, at this moment, is kneeling in front of Yun Jian, who is also a student!

A group of students around, including those in the Leng family who were behind Father Leng, were all dumbfounded.

"Grandpa Leng, how can you kneel at her? Even if she is really a **** of witches, how can you kneel at her! You are an elder! She kneels at you if you want to kneel!"

Lin Qiuyi looked dumbfounded. She never expected that Father Leng would kneel in excitement in front of everyone in Yunjian's face!

And people around, including Lin Qiuyi, Leng Yizheng, Song Zilin, and Gong Shangjin all stupidly stumbled in place.

They thought that when Mr. Leng looked at Yun Jian, he was very surprised.

But Father Leng actually kneeled down towards Yun Jian!

And listen to Master Leng's tone, it seems that when he was in Yulong mainland, the Leng family also received the favor from the witch god?

Lin Qiuyi's words were soon broken by Song Zilin. Song Zilin was a smart man. He watched Lin Qiuyi cough twice, and then broke the point that Lin Qiuyi said:

"If she is really a witch god, when our ancestors were still on the Dragon Continent, she already existed in this world. In terms of seniority, Grandpa Leng is indeed younger than her."

Song Zilin and Leng Yizheng and Gong Shangjin were good friends and grew up together.

Because there is a mutual exchange between the family and the family, Lin Qiuyi also adores Leng Yiyi, Song Zilin often encounters Lin Qiuyi.

Song Zilin couldn't like Lin Qiuyi, so Song Zilin couldn't help but stand up and interrupt Lin Qiuyi's words.

Song Zilin's two words were like a fierce slap to Lin Qiuyi.

That's right, if Yun Jian is really a witch god, then she doesn't know how many times her father is!

As soon as Song Zilin's remarks fell, Lin Qiuyi's face sank for a moment, and she seemed to have eaten shit, and the whole person stupidly remained in place.

What people around said, Yun Jian didn't bother. She looked at Mr. Leng, who was kneeling in front of her, and was not panic nor busy. She calmly asked Mr. Leng to continue:

"The Leng family on the Yulong continent was in a good situation. Why did the Leng family protect the ancient gods and beasts of the Yulong continent for thousands of years?"

Leng's status in the Yulong continent was not bad at that time, and he was also one of the families guarding the ancient beasts.

Yun Jian was puzzled, and it was precisely this.

"I don't know this very well, but according to ancestral records, it is said that since the Lord Witch God fell, there are a number of mysterious and powerful people in black who have contact with the Witch family and make good friends. Violent hunting.

"My Leng family is one of them. The original Leng family was chased down by mysterious black men. The people who escaped alive are the ancestors of my Leng family."

Father Leng told Yun Jian everything he knew.

"Mysterious man in black? So to speak, every family that has made good relations with the witches has been brutally killed?" Yun Jian's brow frowned tightly.

Intuition told her that the man in black had an inseparable relationship with the mysterious man!

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