Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1784: Four bottles of potion to restore memory

"Lansu? That is the first protection of the Witch God from the seat recorded by our ancestors, and is the daughter of the Wu clan who is second only to Lord Wushen in the Royal Dragon Continent, is Lansu!"

As soon as Lan Su's words fell, Zhu's owner, who was standing next to Mo's owner, exclaimed.

Lord Wushen is also a character that has been recorded in the genealogy of these family ancestors.

When it comes to Lord Witch God, as the first guardian of Lord Witch God ’s seat, Lan Su was also highlighted.

It is true that Lord Wushen is the highest peak of the Imperial Dragon Continent, and as the first guardian of Lord Wushen's seat, Lansu's status is also a first-class existence in the Imperial Dragon.

"What! Our ancestors relocated from Yulong mainland hundreds of thousands of years ago. So far, we have never seen people from Yulong mainland. How come this time is a lot.

"And they are all those characters in the legend of Yulong mainland!"

A moment ago, he yelled at Lan Su, trying to use his loud voice throat to mollify Lan Su's homeowner. At this time, his pupils tightened, and suddenly he shrank, and he couldn't even speak loudly.

However, after seeing Lan Su over there, he and Gu Nian and Qinglan went to Yunjian's side together.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, Lan Su and Gu Nian Zhao Yunjian performed a courtesy of the Royal Dragon Continent to meet the Lord Witch God:

"Master Witch God!"

Yun Jian frowned, because he was wearing a mask from beginning to end, so outsiders could only see her slim and even figure, but couldn't see her looks.

The reason why Yun Jian exposes her identity today is because she is wearing a mask.

With so many people at the scene, two noble college students, it was impossible to use three hours of oblivion fluid.

This cost can be high, if everyone is really going to use it, Celadon is expected to chase her across the street.

"Clean up the scene, and all the damaging families led by the Blue Family have been dealt with. My Royal Dragon Continent does not need these damaging families to exist in the world!"

Yun Jian sounded like a sound of nature, spreading loudly and spreading to every corner of the scene.

Listening to this, all the people in the family who were contaminated with the Lan family were standing paralyzed.

It's over!

Not only the Lan family is finished, but all the families are finished!


Lan Su, Gu Nian, and Celadon were ordered, and Chong Yunjian uttered a sentence.

To deal with these family matters, Yun Jian was given to the three Lan Su.

At this moment, Yun Jian turned her head slightly. She looked sideways at the witch girl, moved her red lips, and opened her mouth:

"Who are the elders of the Witch tribe? Name?"

Generally, the girls of the Wu clan are descended from the elders of the Wu clan.

"I'm the granddaughter of Elder Witch, calling Wu Lin." The wounded witch girl said to Yun Jian after a ceremony.

"Well, you can go back to Yulong Continent." Yun Jian said to Wu Lin.

"Thank you Lord Wushen! I was accidentally caught on the earth. I didn't expect to be caught by them. They not only hit me, but also forced me to tell me how to go to the Royal Dragon Continent. I didn't say anything!"

Wu Lin looked up at Yunjian and said proudly.

She is proud because she did not betray the witch because she was not afraid! Not to betray the Lord Witch God!

After sending Wu Lin away, the ball was almost over.

Yun Jian didn't take off his mask midway. Except for Lin Qiuyi and Leng Yiyu, no one knew Yun Jian.

At this moment, Yun Jian was standing in an aisle, facing Shen Wei.

The person who harmed Shen Wei's son, Shen Shaocheng, was the owner of the blue family.

Shen Wei begged Yun Jian to protect his daughter Shen Bi, also because she was afraid that the Lan family would turn to her daughter.

Now that the Lan family is gone, Yun Jian no longer needs to promise to protect Shen Bi's daughter for a month.

At this moment, Shen Wei and Yun Jian looked at each other. He thanked him before he said:

"It takes two years to help you restore your memory. In the past two years, you have to take the potion I made for you every six months. I will send you the potion in two days. There are four bottles in total. After drinking, your memory can be restored! "

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