Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1787: Xinyi was discharged from hospital and rested in the countryside

Luo Bing stunned the whole person for a long time, but did not respond for a long time.

Is it very cold these days?

The weather forecast says that only tonight is extremely colder than today, and there will be a big sun for a long time to come.

The weather forecast also said that the temperature difference has been relatively large in the past few days, and it is extremely cold today. The temperature will rise from tomorrow. You must pay attention to heatstroke when you go out during the day.

Standing on the upstairs corridor and watching the scene downstairs, Yun Jian bit the apple, admiring it with interest.

The blue glaze, Yun Yi and Gu Nian all drew the corners of their mouths, and almost did not utter a word: it turns out that you are such a person!

However, Mosen downstairs grabbed Luoberry's hand and walked up the stairs for two steps, then turned around and walked next to the car where Luoberry came home, not knowing what to say to the driver.

Several people from Yunjian saw the car driver upstairs, and after listening to what Mosen said, he started the engine and left.

Then, a short while later, Moson took Luoberry into the glazed house.

At this moment, Yun Jian had withdrawn to Celadon's house. Yun Jian was sitting on the sofa and watching Luo Bing was pulled back by Mo Sen. She ticked the red arc and gently raised her lips to Luo Bing: "Welcome back."

Luo Bing didn't know the situation yet. She froze and responded to Yun Jian: "Hmm ..."

Luo Bing turned to look at Mosen, full of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Although I don't know the situation, did Mosen retain her just now?

He really kept her!

Luo Bing is still thinking, Yun Jian has already looked down at her watch, got up and walked out, she turned her head to the crowd before leaving, leaving a sentence:

"Let's go first, my friend is discharged from the hospital. I'll pick her up."

After that, she stepped forward and left Celadon's house.

Yun Jian's subsequent incident at the Qingglas' home was unknown, and at this moment she was walking to Longmen People's Hospital.

Because I came back early, the postponed letter from the teacher last time can be earlier.

However, in the past two days, Lan Su was taken away by Adam, saying that he was going to take Lan Su to play for two days, so this matter is not urgent.

The envelope will not run.

Today is the day after Chen Xinyi was discharged from the hospital.

Although Chen Xinyi's brain is already tight, she can no longer do strenuous exercise such as running in her life, which is a sequela.

Today is the day when Chen Xinyi is discharged. The discharge time is set at night.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening.

By the time Yunjian arrived at the Longmen People's Hospital, Zhang Shaofeng and Ling Yichen were already standing at the door.

Seeing Yun Jian, Zhang Shaofeng also called Yun Jian: "Master!"

"Has Xinyi been discharged from the hospital?" Yun Jianyu said.

"On the car over there, Uncle was going to discharge Xinyi, Xinyi said that we should wait for you here." Zhang Shaofeng and Ling Yichen smiled at Yin Yunjian and went to the car where Chen Xinyi was sitting.

"Jianjian!" When she saw Yunjian, Chen Xinyi almost came down from the car and fluttered on Yunjian, but Zhang Shaofeng held her back so that Chen Xinyi didn't let him come over.

"Don't mess around, you have just been discharged." Zhang Shaofeng stood next to Chen Xinyi and said to Chen Xinyi.

"Okay." Chen Xinyi spit out her tongue toward Zhang Shaofeng and said to Yun Jian: "Jian Jian, my dad will take me to my grandfather's house for a few days tomorrow, would you like to play with me for two days? "

Yun Jian has not been to school recently, so Chen Xinyi invited her.

However, Chen Xinyi looked at herself with anticipation, Yun Jian slightly arched, and said, "Okay."

"Haha, I can go back to school with your peace of mind when you are with her! I have lost a lot of homework in the past few days, and I am depressed! Chen Xinyi, you must pay me back when you are well!"

Zhang Shaofeng saw that Chen Xinyi had recovered very well in the past few days. After saying a word to Yun Jian, he turned his head to look at Chen Xinyi, and played the mouth function that he and Chen Xinyi used to stir.

"I see! Silly!" Chen Xinyi also spit out her tongue at Zhang Shaofeng, posing a face.

Smiling with Ling Yichen on the side.

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