Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1795: Steal me, he's dead

Zhang Shaofeng has been dangling in front of Yun Jian recently, but Yun Jian has not seen Zhang Jian's apprentice Zhang Jian for a long time.

Zhang Jian was an apprentice to Zhang Shaofeng and was also a fat man in the class in Yunjian Junior High School. At first, he had a dispute with Zhang Shaofeng. After being defeated by Zhang Shaofeng, he turned to Zhang Shaofeng as a teacher.

Zhang Jian has been studying in other provinces. He has come back lately, so he hasn't met Zhang Shaofeng and Yun Jian for a long time.

He came here today reluctantly, originally intended to meet with Yun Jian and Zhang Shaofeng, but he did not expect to be brought to such a dinner by his dad.

But Zhang Jian did not expect that he could see the ancestor here!

So Zhang Jian's dissatisfaction just now filled up suddenly, and he hurriedly ran to Yun Jian in front of everyone.

"What's going on here?" Even Zhang Jian's father was dumbfounded.

Not to mention Wang Defang, who just said that Yun Jianwen was weak.

This Wang Defang is simply the whole man stunned.

"Dad, this is what I told you last time, my ancestor! The master of my master! The killer of the king team! My ancestor is terrific!" Wang Jian turned to his father in front of everyone in excitement Introducing Yunjian.

This introduction frightens people around.

Ge Junjian's university classmates all graduated from military academies. Men were generally soldiers and women were military doctors.

The killer of the king team, this title, many of you here have heard of it.

"What! She is the killer of the King's Squad! Army build! Army build! Your girl is the killer of the King's Squad! This also sounds amazing!"

There was a man who was directly shocked, stood up from his seat, looked at Yun Jian, walked over to embrace Ge Junjian's shoulder, exclaimed.

The shouts of Ge Junjian's classmates immediately sounded all around.

Seeing this, Wang Defang and Zhu Wen, who said Yun Jian was not, and Xu Naina, who was shameless, blinked. They were not very surprised, but they were also taken aback.

Wang Defang and Zhu Wen didn't even know what the King's Squad was.

This turmoil passed quickly, a meal, the thoughts of everyone eating.

Among them, Wang Defang and Zhu Wen's faces were particularly bad, as was Xu Nina.

The new family is located on Nanlin Road. Nanlin Road belongs to a relatively remote area of ​​Longmen City. Although there are shops around, the wide road is surrounded by no one, and it is formed by the busy city center. A sharp contrast.

After settling the bill, as soon as he stepped out of the door of the new family hotel, Ge Junjian suddenly received a call.

"Lao Ge, the day before yesterday you said that you were going to treat at the Xinjia Hotel. Are you still on Nanlin Road?"

There was an anxious voice over the phone.

"I'm here." Ge Junjian replied.

"Hurry up! An international felon is driving a grey Bugatti Veyron from Nanlin Road to escape from Longmen City! He killed a wealthy businessman in Longmen City! You must stop him! The troops will arrive at the intersection in ten minutes. You only need to stop him for ten minutes! "Anxiously came the voice.

Yun Jian narrowed her eyes. When everyone around her heard the sound, she was scared and trembled. She saw a familiar figure not far away.

It is blue glaze.

Celadon came to Yunjian in front of everyone like Wang Defang, Zhu Wen, and then reached out and handed a piece of information to Yunjian:

"Sister Jian, there will be an international recidivist passing by later. Two weeks ago, he stole a treasure of our organization, worth five billion yuan."

Yun Jian heard this, squinting eyes opened.

Everyone around me heard what Qinglan said to Yun Jian, and they all heard the fog.

At the moment when everyone was stunned, they saw Yun Jian asking for a Beretta 92fs pistol in front of the glazed faces of everyone, leaving his long flowing hair to the glazed sports car not far away. go with.

In front of everyone, she turned to look at Celadon, opened the door half of the foot and stepped into the sports car, like a cold-blooded killer, cold-faced to Celadon:

"I remember you have two sniper rifles in your car, get one out for me, you drive and wait for me to catch up with that gray Bugatti Veyron and dare to steal my stuff, he's dead!"

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