Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1805: A obsession to Jingdezhen

Yun Jian was still puzzled yesterday. Why did Si Yi send a text message to herself to ask her where to go, but she didn't think too much. Today she turned around and appeared.

She pursed her lips and was embraced by Si Yi from the back, so Yun Jian looked up at his handsome face and asked, "Are you back to organizing?"

"The organization is over, and I will be by your side during this time." Si Yi's eyes petted and stared at Yun Jian. Her deep and beautiful pupils only reflected her.

Yun Jian's going to the countryside to accompany Chen Xinyi's quiet raising was told by Zhang Shaofeng. After Sidi received the news, it rarely appeared in the past few days, or he left after a short period of time, which is to stay in the organization and take care of everything. After busy, I plan to accompany Yun Jian to the countryside.

Nothing can leave him and his family in the quiet environment of the countryside like the mountains and rivers, leaving all this earthly things.

This time, Sidi sent Adam and Morson even more.

Before coming to Yunjian, Sidi let Adam and Mosen fall in love with him.

At the moment when Yiyi's wishful abacus was playing very well, Yun Jian suddenly said, "Xiaozhu and the three of them haven't been out for a long time. Otherwise, please ask them to take a vacation and take them out."

Before Yun Jian said this, Si Yi's thin lips moved and he refused: "No."

Yunjian: "..." Yunjian blinked.

Si Yi saw Yun Jian's pleasant appearance. If it wasn't the front door of Chen Xinyi's house, he would like to directly hold Yun Jian's head and attach the tender lips.

"Jianjian, let's go! My grandfather's family is a little far from Longmen City, let's go early!" At this time, Chen Xinyi's voice sounded, because she couldn't move her head, she could only sit in the car and shout ... ...

Two hours later, Chen Xinyi's private car circled many mountains and finally came to a place called Jinde Village.

Jinde Village is a mountain village. From here, it only takes half an hour to go to the nearest town.

Moreover, Jinde Village is not affluent, and the houses built by every family are one story high.

The place where Yun Jian was reborn was Xinjiang Town, Xinjiang Town is a town, and here is just a village.

Yunjian swam at the peak of the world before, and the simplest place I've ever been to after rebirth is probably a place like Xinjiang Town.

But the town is always a town, it must be much better than the countryside.

The people here in Jinde Village are poor, and there is no place to work here. To work, you have to go to the town, but the money to take a car to and from town every day is not enough to pay, so the people here generally farm for a living.

Chen Xinyi's family is not poor, and her mother also asked her grandfather to leave Jinde Village more than once, but her grandfather just didn't want to leave.

Because Grandpa's wife, Chen Xinyi's grandmother, died early, Chen Xinyi's grandfather and grandma have lived in Jinde Village since they were children.

From a toddler to running and jumping, getting to know each other, forming a relationship and staying for life, Chen Xinyi's grandmother died early, and her grandfather left not far because he did not leave the land where he lives with his lover for a lifetime.

People are gone, even if they are staying in a hometown that has changed a lot. It is also a kind of obsession. Some people can keep this obsession and spend the rest of their lives.

"Here it is, here!" Chen Xinyi first got off the bus with Zhang Shaofeng, then she looked at Yun Jian sideways and said to Yun Jian.

The car stopped at the entrance of the village, and after Yunjian got out of the car, the car headed back to Longmen City.

Departing at five o'clock, it is already seven o'clock in the evening. At this moment, there is a trace of Yuxia remaining in the sky, very beautiful.

"My grandfather is the first one at the village entrance, let's go over!" Chen Xinyi attached to Zhang Shaofeng, who was covered with big bags, and said to Yun Jian to take the lead.

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