Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1811: Innocent child, talk in public

It's best not to have someone think about her in her life, because she can only be his, from the bones, from the inside to the outside, who is his person, who dares to grab him? Just die.

Si Yi was poisoned in his life. The name of the drug was Yun Jian.

After Seti's words fell, the surrounding old ladies, grandpas, and some middle-aged women or men laughed.

Children in the village who are about the same age as Yun Jian and Si Yi have gone to town to go to middle school or high school and come back once a week.

The fierce one got into Longmen City. In this era, someone in the village had to take the entrance examination or the college entrance examination to Longmen City or other provinces. It was simply a matter of drumming and drumming to let the whole village know.

The soul comes back to reality. These old ladies and old ladies have heard a lot of rumors. Generally, little couples like Yunjian and Siyi are talking about the subject and talking together, but it is not just fun. How many are Can you really get married and have children?

Therefore, when the words of Yi Yi were spoken, both the old lady and the old men felt that they were joking.

"Young man, I hope you can do what you say, marry her, don't let down the girl in the future and follow you at a young age!"

The old lady who just spoke smiled and shook the self-made fan in her hand, and said to Si Yi.

When it comes to marriage, Yunjian has a bad hunch ...

Did he want to ...

Sure enough, Si Yi's hand slid into his pants pocket.

"Kekekeke!" Yun Jian coughed twice, and she reached out her small hand to stop Si Yi, but was seized by Si Yi with another big palm backhand.

The other big palm of Si Yi has slid into the pants pocket and taken out the big book.

The marriage certificate of country R is not the same as the small red book of country Z. The marriage certificate of country R is similar to the certificate of merit, and the marriage certificate has many styles. You can choose cartoon, landscape or various styles of marriage certificates.

Yun Jian and Si Yi's marriage certificate is white and the background is clean.

At this time, Si Yi had taken this R country marriage certificate out of his pants pocket.

A black line was drawn across the head of Yunjian.

This feeling, mysterious seemingly acquaintance ...

"This is the marriage certificate for country R and I. We are already registered in country R." Si Yi took the marriage certificate in his hand and displayed it in front of the people around him, and put it back carefully.

This group was still thinking that the couple of Yunjian and Siyi would not be the same as the other couples, but the old ladies and old ladies who were just playing around were totally dumbfounded.

Are you married? Did you go to the R country to register?

How urgent is this!

"Ah, you actually went abroad to register this ..." The old lady was really convinced.

She has only heard of little lovers. The man treats the feelings of the girl as a joke. If he deceives the girl into bed, he won't want her.

However, I have never heard of or seen a boy like Si Yi who first registered for marriage in order to go abroad for Yun Jian, and even this marriage certificate is like Hu Bao!

I'm afraid such boys are already extinct! I didn't expect to see it here today ...

Just when the old ladies and grandpas around took a breath of surprise, they asked at the He Qing's house if Yun Jian and Si Yi would hug each other and bumped in front of everyone, and suddenly said:

"Wow! Beautiful sister and handsome brother are not only male and female friends, but also husband and wife! Is it the same relationship as my parents!

"No wonder handsome guys say that pretty sisters and handsome guys will not only take off their clothes and hug them together, but they will also bang and bump while they kiss and hug again and again!"

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