Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1815: Teach Zhang Shaofeng, play the butterfly knife

He Mingyu's tone was as extreme as she was a sharpshooter with many hits.

"That's true! Ming Yu is the most powerful girl in our Jinde Village! Fu Xin's hit rate is five times out of ten and he can shoot birds, and Ming Yu is one of ten times. ! "

Came next to a boy who was the same age as He Mingyu and Fu Xin. The boy said kindly and touched his head with a embarrassed smile.

What boys say is also true.

A group of people around are all children from the countryside, except that Gu Liuli is a child from a wealthier family in the town.

The countryside is still wild and can run, like He Mingyu, she is dark because she is exposed to the sun every day.

The children in the countryside are wild, and the birds in the countryside are wild. Over the years, people have had experience in catching birds, and many birds have been caught. The experience of escaping when eating Xiaomi is also sufficient.

Whether it's Fu Xin or He Mingyu, it's not that they have studied how to catch birds from childhood to adulthood. With such a hit rate, and their age, they are already among the most powerful young people in their generation.

"I don't need you to say that I am also the most powerful girl!" And it's a perfect match with Fu Xin! He Mingyu glared at Gu Liuli and turned his proud head to Yun Jian.

That looks like it's saying, how about, you know how good I am?

Zhang Shaofeng yanked the corners of his mouth, and he was almost disgusted by the ugly corner of He Mingyu's mouth.

"Dong Dong, play with your friends by yourself." Zhang Shaofeng gave the slingshot to He Dongdong and turned to look at Yun Jian:

"Master, we haven't exercised yet today. Why don't we run around the mountain ten laps? There's a lot of anger here. I can't smell it."

Zhang Shaofeng also has enough poisonous scorpions. Although these words have not been named and surnamed, everyone with a good eye knows what He Mingyu said.

He Mingyu's complexion instantly darkened to the extreme.

He Mingyu's eyes suddenly turned. She overheard Zhang Shaofeng calling Master Yunjian, so she opened her mouth, and saliva in her mouth sprayed towards Yunjian and drank it:

"Hahaha, how about a master! Are you still accepting an apprentice! When you are a superhuman? You still learn to accept an apprentice, hahaha! I laughed to death, what a woman from this city is you What can I teach my apprentices?

"I urge you to go home and urinate and look at yourself ..."

When He Mingyu first said this, Si Yi drew Yun Jian into his arms, and retreated to He Mingyu five meters away, so that the saliva in He Mingyu's mouth did not spray on Yun Jian and Si Yi.

When He Mingyu said this, Si Yi froze and frowned, and he directly interrupted He Mingyu's words: "You don't try to say a word to my woman!"

With his absolute repression, He Yiyu, somehow, shrank a little and was afraid to speak.

"You go around the mountain for twenty laps, and I will teach you to use a butterfly knife after running." Yun Jian took a look at Zhang Shaofeng, and she said aloud.

Zhang Shaofeng followed Yunjian's skills for so long. He especially wanted to learn Yunjian's skill in throwing butterfly knives.

After listening to Yun Jian's words, Zhang Shaofeng opened his eyes and asked Yun Jian: "Master, really? I'll run, I'll run right away!"

Talking, people are gone.

"Cut, it looks quite like it." He Mingyu was afraid to speak in front of Sidi, but hiding in the dark, she couldn't help muttering when she looked at Yunjian.

Zhang Shaofeng's physical strength is getting better and better. After more than an hour, he has completed 20 laps around the mountain.

For more than an hour, Yun Jian looked at He Mingyu's technique of hitting the bird once, and couldn't help but ridicule.

"Master! I'm done!" Zhang Shaofeng took a few breaths and sweated, and he didn't paralyze to the ground after ordinary people ran so many roads.

Watching Yun Jian take out a butterfly knife from his trouser pocket, He Mingyu looked at it with a cold smile: "But it's just a trick!"

Gu Liuli also looked over here, just a chuckle.

But when I saw it, Yunjian took out the butterfly knife, shook it twice, and then said to Zhang Shaofeng: "The butterfly knife is flexible. If you want to throw it out, you must master its structure and how to play. To the fullest. "

Just now, Yun Jian suddenly frowned.

Several people around, including He Mingyu, Gu Liuli, and Fu Xin were a little surprised, but saw Yun Jian here suddenly flying out of the butterfly knife.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the scene was horrified to a scene that will be unforgettable throughout their lives.

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