Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1830: People from the mainland, kneeling in public

Yun Jian's words, with a certain dignity, gave the old man a meal, and even made Song Jiaqi, Song Jiahui, and Lin Sunset, including Wang Gonggong, across a black line.

What is the daughter of the Witch clan of the Yulong continent, the witch god? What is this and what?

And Yun Jian is not the same as them. Did they come here to learn martial arts?

How come when she came here, she yelled at the old man to see the owner of the Huang family, the martial arts family?

"What is the daughter of the Wu tribe? What is the witch god? Are you here to engage in crooked ways? Haven't you inquired before you came, and Huang Bitian, the owner of the Huang family, can't see anyone!

"Some people haven't been able to see the Huang family's owner from joining the Huang family to practice martial arts to leaving the Huang family. You are just a broken-hearted girl, without strength and power. Why does the Huang family's owner want to see you? "

For the Huang family who ranked first in the martial arts family, even Wang Gonggong, who was not very satisfied with Yun Jian, was in awe of it.

After listening to Yun Jian's words, Wang Gonggong rushed to speak to Yun Jian first. The meaning of this remark was as if Yun Jian had really fallen in love before coming here, and it was still a mess.

Song Jiaqi did not speak.

The veteran who was just teaching a group of students who also learned from the same profession is also surprised.

Most of the students who came to their own Huang family to learn martial arts, even those who spoke to their Huang family, were in awe.

Not to mention, like Yun Jian, directly asking the owner of the Huang family to come out to see her, this is simply a big deal.

Such a clean little girl carrying a shoulder bag said the words as soon as she came, and the old man said that he had never seen it in his life!

Obviously, neither the old man nor the people around him knew the Yulong continent, let alone the Wu tribe.

Of course, Yun Jian said so because she knew that Huang Bitian, the owner of Huang Family, must know the existence of Yulong Continent.

How many times did Wu Lan, the head of the Wu clan, send people to the Huang family to fetch letters without success.

Huang Bitian had saved his mentor alone, and his mentor had left the letter. The mentor must have explained to Huang Bitian one or two.

But the old man in front of him didn't know it. When he saw Yun Jian opening his mouth, he would see his Huang family owner Huang Bitian, and after returning to God, he returned quickly.

"Is the owner of my Huang family what you want to see?" The old man immediately pulled down and looked very bad.

"Uncle, what's wrong? Who upsets you?" At this time, a girl walked into the door. The girl was about sixteen or seventeen years old, and she looked pretty good.

After the girl walked in, she walked around Yunjian and asked the old man.

"She will see your father as soon as she goes up the mountain! Of course I don't agree!" The old man said to the young girl, the tone of speaking and the tone of speaking to Yun Jian were completely different, and the voice was much softer.

Obviously, to the old man, Yunjian is purely for trouble.

This young girl who jumped in from the outside was obviously the youngest daughter Huang Huang, Huang Linger, the head of the Huang family.

"You want to see my dad? Why do you want to see my dad? He is not fun, but if you want to see, I can take you there." Huang Ling's children were still unconscious. Jian grunted a voice.

"Linger, don't make fun of it, this thing has nothing to do with you!" The old man pushed Huang Linger away, and continued to drink to Yun Jian:

"If you come to my Huang family to practice martial arts, then my Huang family welcomes you, but if you come here to make troubles, then don't blame me Huang Bihai ruthlessly kicked you out of my Huang family ..."

The old man, Huang Bihai's voice did not fall, he suddenly saw three girls in black coming in at the gate.

The three young girls dressed in black clothes were extremely glamorous and their appearance was only below the clouds, but they attracted the attention of everyone present.

The old man, that is, Huang Bihai, changed his face when he saw the three girls in black clothes.

His elder brother, Huang Bitian, the owner of the Huang family, told him that the girl dressed in this black suit was from a mysterious regional family!

The people there have the power to destroy the world! So definitely not provoke!

Therefore, Huang Bihai was in front of the crowd and was about to salute the three girls in black clothes.

Everyone around him looked at Huang Bihai and respected the three girls in black clothes, with infinite doubts in their hearts.

Seeing Yun Jian leaning slightly to the side, her eyes flashed sharply, presenting her side face in front of three black plain-clothed girls.

The three young girls in black suits that made Huang Bihai respectful and respectful moved his eyes after seeing Yun Jian.

Then, the three girls in black clothes in the presence of Song Jiaqi, Song Jiahui, Lin sunset and Wang Gonggong, kneeled directly at Yunjian, and performed a courtesy of Yulong Continent, bowing their respects, Exclaimed:

"Master Witch God!"

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