Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1833: Huangjia Martial Arts

Huang Bitian's words made everyone's hearts tight.

Especially Song Jiaqi, Song Jiahui and Wang Gonggong.

Song Jiaqi has even put her hands together now.

The protagonist is clearly not her, why does she have a sense of tension?

It is as if the person who is going to carry the hypnotism of disciple Huang Jia is himself.

However, Song Jiaqi knows that his current response is undoubtedly to put his whole heart into the words of Yun Jian and Huang Bitian.

Just like a racing enthusiast, when he watched his favorite racer racing against another outstanding racer, he rushed to the end of the race, with a general sense of nervousness.

Song Jiaqi feels this way at the moment.

But when Yun Jian stood in front of the crowd, she narrowed her eyes slightly. Her eyes were indifferent, but in the presence of the crowd, he did not hesitate to meet Huang Bitian's appointment: "Okay."

As long as she is given a chance, she has never encountered anything that cannot be done!

Yun Jian knew that Huang Bitian was regressing.

At the beginning, Huang Bitian opened his mouth and shut up, and refused to hand over the letter.

Sometimes, putting out your identity directly can avoid many things.

Yun Jian moved out of his identity today, nothing more than to change Huang Bitian.

She isn't stupid, and when she has no choice but to do so, she will definitely not achieve her goal in the most absolute way.

For example, if Huang Bitian rejects her, she will open the killing ring, then she is not only a lunatic, but more importantly, she is a fool.

To ask why she said that, first, Yun Jian wiped out Huang Jiaman's door. It cost her physical strength and the benefit was just a letter.

Even more, she had to spend her ancient forces to kill the mercenary regiment to erase the traces of the Huang family in history and internationally, which was costly and laborious.

Such a thing, it is better to let Huang Bitian make a step back, and it is even more simple and simple.

"Linger, call your master." Huang Bitian turned to look at his younger daughter Huang Linger.

Huang Linger pouted his lips and muttered, "Dad, just send the letter directly to this sister, why bother calling out the big brother, how troublesome, and the sister is not a bad person ... "

As soon as Huang Linger talked about this, she saw her father, Huang Bitian's eyes squinting towards her.

Seeing this, all the words Huang Linger would say afterwards were buried in the belly.

After all, Huang Linger was a little afraid of her father. She was frightened by what Huang Bitian said, turned around and nodded, and ran to find her master.

"Offended! In recent years, what Barry Gordon put on me has attracted the attention of too many people, and many people pretend to be Barry Gordon apprentices and want to get it from me So please forgive me! "

After Huang Linger ran to find his elder brother, Huang Bitian held his fists to face Yun Jian, and he apologized.

"No problem." Yun Jian replied.

It was natural for her.

Hypnosis is indeed a master's skill.

The teacher also said that this hypnosis, scholar, wants talent.

People without talents can only know a little about fur.

Yun Jian didn't boast, but the teacher once told her.

Her talent is the best of the people he has met since he met people in his life!

Less than ten minutes later, a dozen people came to the backyard of the house.

The man headed was probably in his twenties, dressed in martial arts clothes, and looked like Huang Bitian's brother.

The followers of Brother Huang's family are men and women, but each wears regular martial arts clothes. Obviously, these people are different from those who temporarily go to the mountain to learn martial arts.

They are the orthodox descendants of the Huang family!

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