Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1837: Surprise her with the letter

Yun Jian was rarely surprised, but when she was surprised, she was just a little surprised at first glance, but for a person like Yun Jian who did not express his emotions on his face, a little shock was enough to express her inner surprise.

The content of this letter is very simple, but when you think about it, there is an amazing magic that is astonishing. The content of the letter is as follows:

‘Cha, my little apprentice, although I ’m not in formal worship with you, I ’m allowed to call you that.

‘When you saw the letter, were you surprised? Is it surprising that the teacher can know that the person who opened the letter is not Huang Jiazhu, but you? Are there many doubts in my heart?

‘Every move you've done over the years, you know it, including you as a witch god!

‘Hey, how about, the kid of the Lord should n’t treat you badly? If his kid treats you badly, he will teach you a hard lesson for you in the future!

‘This boy has been entangled with you since you were a witch god, like a fart, and stopped you several times for your teacher. Next time you meet, you ’ll have to drink a hundred pots of good wine for your teacher!

‘No, it ’s right, let the kid from the **** king be a teacher! If the kid dare not ask, hum, let him hug his ass, don't let the teacher catch him and draw a hundred whip!

‘Hey, okay, I ’m aware that you have a lot of doubts at the moment. In this letter, it ’s not good for the teacher to say more, okay, my little apprentice, it ’s not too much for the teacher.

‘Beloved, remember, find a teacher, go to a hunting school, and a teacher will be waiting for you there. ’

The way of writing the letter is indeed the style of the teacher. This handwriting is also from the teacher's hand. There is nothing wrong with it. Yun Jian blinked.

She was really surprised by what the letter said.

Why does her teacher know that the person who got this letter must be her? Could he have the ability to predict the future?

And he seemed to know her when she was a witch **** in her previous life?

Do you also know Sidi, a god?

Yun Jian did not restore all her memories of being a witch god, so she could not find the trace of the teacher.

And the teacher wanted her to go to the hunting school to find him?

All of this is something that has been planned for a long time. Even when the previous life was a **** of the moment, the appearance of the teacher is bound to happen ...

Or is it all just a coincidence?

"Yun Jian, there seems to be a word on the back of the letter!" Song Jiaqi, who was standing in the distance, could not see the content of the letter held by Yun Jian, but she was vaguely aware of the letter on Yun Jian's hand. There was also a word behind the letter, so he reminded him aloud.

Listening to this, Yun Jian stretched her brow slightly. She turned the letter to the back, but only saw the back of the letter and wrote the words of the teacher.

Keeping up with the long letter in front, it is clear that the teacher added a sentence listening to the older urchin:

'By the way, when you come to the hunting school, bring the kid from Shenjun if it is convenient, but even if you do n’t bring me the kid from Shenjun, I know that kid is just like nougat, it ’s no different from a fart. Run, he's bound to follow! ’

When Yun Jian saw this, his heart suddenly flashed past the teacher's expression as if everything was well understood, with a hand that gently scratched his beard.

She twitched the corner of her mouth, wondering how to describe the expression of crying and laughing at the moment.

"What's in the letter? Have you finished reading it? Can you show it to us?"

The more Huang Jiuhong looked at Yunjian's appearance, the more she became curious. If it was not for Huang Bitian's eyes, Huang Jiuhong couldn't help looking at the contents of Yunjian's letter.

"Since the letter is already hers, don't let everyone be together. Let's all go together and practice! Don't squeeze here!" Huang Bitian beckoned.

"Master, this letter ..." Obviously Yun Jian took it from you, let's see what happened. At this point, Huang Jiuhong has not yet said.

But when I saw Yun Jian over there, I took out a lighter and burned the letter.

After doing this, Yunjian went out.

Hunting school, it seems that she must go this time.

Since her mentor knew many identities, including her as a witch god.

Does the teacher know the details of the mysterious person?

And why she, a witch god, fell!

How can you come to earth alive after falling? Or who saved her?

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