Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1845: Excessive indulgence, voice is dumb

This bed sheet instantly became priceless in the eyes of Si Yi.

Yun Jian finally said that it was n’t Sidi. I wanted to pull the sheets when Sidi did n’t notice, but unexpectedly the soreness in her legs made her feel numb and her legs soft. If it was n’t for Yun Jian ’s physical strength, she would have been Fucked on his knees.

At this moment, Yun Jian turned to the side and did not let himself kneel down, but fell to the edge of the bed.

If a normal person was tortured by Si Yi for eight hours, it is estimated that he would not even be able to lift his legs at this moment. Yun Jian had just stood up and wore clothes and walked for two steps.

But after a few steps, the soreness in her thigh made her unable to stand any longer.

He had just struggled with her for eight hours, and Yun Jian had no common sense, so he promised Luoberry to go out and play, feeling that he could move.

But the legs were numb at this moment, and the remaining pain after the war was not severe. This feeling was soft. Yun Jian felt that his legs were like springs as soon as he stood up, he could not move at all.

At this moment, he flung on the bed to avoid falling to the ground, and Sidi took the body of Yunjian and took it to her chest, letting her fall into her arms.

"Today, you are not allowed to go out, the sheets, and you are not allowed to wash." Si Yi grasped her little hand, and said arrogantly.

Want to run as soon as his small note becomes his woman? He doesn't allow it.

"I've already made an appointment, and I'll go out later." Yun Jian shyly didn't dare to look at Si Yi's face, she said in a voice.

The newly opened Si Yi is still not satisfied. She let her go because she felt tired.

But after listening to Yun Jian's words, Sidi suddenly drew Jun Arc: "Small notes are not tired yet? Let's continue."

Talking, he pressed Yun Jian on the bed as he stood sideways.

Yun Jian's words were also blocked by Si Yi!

Before being forced to fight the three big rounds, Yun Jian thought of only two words: beasts!

Lingering moaning sound

It was not until half past ten in the evening that Sidi ended a new wave of aggression against her.

At this moment, the daylily is cold, let alone go to Luobing, Yun Jian has no strength to raise his hand.

That leg is as soft as it is not his own.

Who told her that doing such a thing is actually so physically demanding!

And at this moment, Si Yi's hand was on her double profit.

Yun Jian suddenly remembered that he had gone out with Luo Bing at eight o'clock, and it was already over ten o'clock.

She quickly picked up the phone and dialed through.

"Beep toot" The phone rings three times. After the three rings fall, Luoberry picks up Yunjian's phone, and anxiously voices out:

"Yunjian, are you okay? Didn't you fall? Didn't something happen? I have called you so many calls and you haven't answered them, but I'm in a hurry!"

Louberry's voice came.

The phone rang, but it was forced to be pressed by Steve, and the ringing sound of the phone was set to none, and then continued to do shy things

Yun Jian actually went to the Dark Soul organization yesterday, November 10th, but she first went to Luoberry's residence for one night, so Luoberry knew she was here.

Moson was very gentle to Luoberry. He set up a separate residence for Luoberry, and didn't force Siluo into his house like Snow Eagle.

Luo Bing ’s words sounded, Yun Jian ’s eyes moved slightly, and she immediately found a very tangible reason, and said to Luo Bing: “I accidentally fell and could n’t move just now, so I did n’t call you to explain . "

This is the most ridiculous lie Yun Yun has ever told.

I did not expect Lolaberry.

"Ah? Do you hurt? Do I need to come and show you? Have you been to the doctor? You are waiting for me to pass right away ..." Luo Bing was nervous, really thought Yun Jian was injured, and she hurried to speak.

"It's okay, minor injuries, don't need to come over." Yun Jian said hoarsely to Luoberry.

"Really okay?" Luoberry asked anxiously.

"Um." Yun Jian nodded.

She wasn't really hurt. If Luoberry was to accompany her to the hospital, it would probably only get a word from the doctor: young man, young age, don't overdo it!

"I hear your voice hoarse, is it a cold? You must take a good rest!" Luo Bing said again.

Listening to this, Yun Jian stared fiercely at Si Yi, who kept kneading on her Shuangying, but when she could not speak, she revealed a coquettish handsome face.

Blame him for staying with her! Her voice is dumb

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