Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1850: It ’s boring, the longest range

The coach hurried over to stop Yun Jian, and did not explain the reason for not letting Yun Jian enter here. He just said that this box could not be entered, and then let Yun Jian follow his own practice of marksmanship.

Seeing this, Yun Jian squinted slightly.

Squinting is because the coach's approach is very satisfying.

Or the approach of this shooting gallery is very satisfying.

She disappeared for more than a year without a reason. For the last time she visited the shooting gallery of the six-star Empire Hotel in Brunei a year ago, she has not been here for more than a year.

In principle, if the shooting museum does not see her, if someone needs a box, you can blackmail the person by doubling the price.

After all, the most important thing here is the rich.

Obviously, the shooting hall is very honest. If she doesn't come, the only box in the shooting hall will always be idle there, and no one will enter.

Yun Jian squinted at this, and responded to the coach's words: "Um." Go elsewhere to play with a gun.

She is not embarrassed to coach.

Then the coach showed a smile, and then asked Yun Jian with a very kind tone: "Are you from the Z country?"

The coach spoke fluent native Arabic, as did the conversation with Yun Jian.

"Well." Yun Jian walked ahead, she nodded, and still briefly answered the key.

"Your Arabic is so good! Live like us in Dubai!" The coach couldn't help but sigh.

With a sigh, Yunjian didn't answer.

Seeing this, the coach did not feel embarrassed. He directed Yun Jian a place: "Little girl, let's go over there. A few of the targets are all from the Z country. You can also stand next to the Chinese people in your country. Exchanges, and there's only one gun target here. "

People shooting in shooting halls usually choose to shoot guns.

The pistols and rifles in this shooting hall are real guns. People who come to the shooting hall come from all over the country. People who come to the shooting hall generally want to experience the real guns.

Therefore, the targets around are already full of people, except for the target that the coach said.

Yun Jian squinted and nodded.

See Yun Jian the same, the coach took Yun Jian over.

Standing next to that target were several young men in their twenties. These men wore name tags all over their bodies and looked cool.

There were also several teenage girls in their twenties who were all around. They wore name brands all over their bodies, and even their hands and necks were covered with gorgeous luxury.

Several were from the Z country, and all played guns under the direction of the coach.

At this moment, one of the more handsome young men was holding a pistol with both hands and hit the target under the instruction of the coach.

Several other young men and girls were watching the young man play with a gun.

"Let ’s go to Victoria! Hit the tenth ring and show us the first shot!"

The young men and girls next to them were looking more handsome. At this moment, they were holding a pistol and their hands were slightly trembling. The young man holding the pistol aimed at the target shouted.

With this shout, Yun Jian walked over and could clearly see that this young man called Liwei was shaking his hands, apparently trying to perform well in front of a group of people, but without the confidence of 100% hit.

The young man was named Shen Liwei.

After all, the "bang" shot was sent out, deeply shaking from the hand holding Wei's pistol.

When a real gun fires a bullet, the sound of the gun is particularly loud, and the gun will shake twice with the impulse of the fired bullet.

At this time, the grabber must hold the gun firmly.

Every time a person who plays a gun can be shaken by the bullets fired by the gun, the whole body is shaken.

The man named Shen Liwei also shook slightly, no exception.

When playing with real guns, the most feared thing is to hurt yourself. The emotion that trembles because of fear is not familiar to people who play with guns.

"Hit the Ninth Ring!" The coach's voice sounded, letting the man named Shen Liwei breathe a sigh of relief.

A few young people applauded.

"Wow! Although it's not the tenth ring, today we hit the ninth ring for the first time playing a gun. Sure enough, our Liwei is a master of gun playing!"

When Li Yuan deeply enjoyed the praises from the people around him, he and the people around him suddenly saw a small and slim figure walking around the people and going there.

But when Yun Jian was standing on the target, she held the pistol on the table, and loaded the gun without waiting for the next coach to come over. A very skilled hand grabbed it, and sent it to the target without looking Three shots.

The gunshot fell again.

"Ten ... Ten rings ..." The coach stepped forward and opened his eyes wide.

With the surprised eyes of the young people around him, Yun Jian lowered his gun and said to the coach who was frightened to follow him:

"The 20-meter target is too close, isn't it? It's boring. You can make the target reach the longest range."

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