Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1852: Record-breaking, gun **** Luo Xi

It's not Yun Jian Blowing. Pistol shooting at 20 meters and 100 meters is not shooting at all.

To her, it's like playing with children at home, without any challenge at all.

To put it plainly, for Yun Jian, there is no difference between playing and not playing.

The effective range of a pistol is not far. The effective range of an ordinary pistol may only be 50-100 meters, while the range of some pistols is longer. The range of an analog pistol is much longer.

Of course, the specific range depends on how the pistol operator operates his weapon.

Yun Jian came to the shooting hall not to play with a pistol.

After seeing the woman in the doorway, Yun Jian waved his hand at the coach, and walked over there.

This woman is the person in charge of the shooting hall, and also the gun **** who has broken the record of the longest range of the world-class sniper rifle.

The woman's name is Luo Xi.

Seeing Yun Jian walking to Luo Xi, the coach's heart must be mentioned on the brain.

Luo Xi is the head of their shooting hall!

The most important thing is that Luo Xi's heart is fierce. If ordinary people dare to provoke her, Luo Xi's lightest punishment is to break a leg.

Note that this is the lightest penalty.

"Little girl ..." When the coach responded and wanted to call Yun Jian back, Yun Jian had come to Luo Xi.

The coach dared not step forward.

He covered his face and shouted "Oh my god" in their Arabic Arabic.

"Who is that woman?" A few people who were standing next to Yun Jian saw Yun Jian walking towards the woman there. When he saw the coach, he was so scared that they were suspicious of the Uighurs and went to them. Asked the coach.

As a result, the words just came out. The coach who was deeply away from the Uighurs changed his face instantly, and then, after being pressed by several people, he gently said to the others:

"She is the head of our shooting hall, Luo Xi. She is also the horror woman who has broken the record for the longest range of world-class sniper rifles. She is known as the" God of God "and she often plays with her ..... .

"The famous person in the world, Luo Xi is cruel and ruthless. Previously, a coach in our shooting hall accidentally provoked her and was shot by her directly ..."

The people who play with Luo Xi are internationally famous people.

The sentence this coach said is self-evident.

The meaning is that the people playing with Luo Xi are all demons who kill and don't blink.

Undoubtedly, it is those international leaders who are foolish, arrogant, and so on.

Therefore, even if Luo Xi was killed, they would not be afraid.

Because they have a backstage.

After listening to the coach's words, the young men and girls led by Shen Liwei took a deep breath.

The few people in the U.S. from the Uygur are rich masters and thousands of gold. This time the group came out to play, it was pure entertainment for the rich.

If you have money, you can go wherever you want, and you can't control whoever you want.

Although they were all children of a white businessman, although they were rich, they had not heard of such a dark matter, so they were a little panicked at the moment.

At this moment, after seeing Yun Jian over there walking towards Luo Xi, he did not respect Luo Xi at all like the coach.

On the contrary, Yun Jian walked directly behind Luo Xi. At the moment Luo Xi didn't respond at all, people walked behind Luo Xi, reached out a chestnut and beat Luo Xi's head.

This move ...

Several coaches in the distance, including those from deep Uighurs, were frightened.

The words stimulated Luo Xi to be shot, Yun Jian dared to walk over a chestnut and beat Luo Xi's head!

She wants to die!

The people around were scared to death.

But when I saw Yun Jian over there, I didn't know what to say. After Luo Xi reacted, instead of taking a shot and killing Yun Jian, Luo Xi widened her eyes and looked at Yun Jian.

In the next second, a more surprising move took place, but I saw-

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