Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1855: Worship her as a teacher

Shen Liwei is a child of a rich man, that is, his son, and he usually likes to show off in front of girls.

The son of the rich family's son usually takes his face very seriously.

For these rich people, face is crucial.

The strength of Yunjian makes Shen Liwei and others worship.

Shen Liwei came to call Yunjian because of Yunjian's amazing strength.

No one wants to make friends with the weak and join forces with the strong, but anyone who has gone to a higher level rarely takes the initiative to make friends with people who are much lower than their own.

However, if you meet someone who is more advanced than yourself, you will treat Yunjian as if you were far away from Weiwei, and you will be so unafraid that you will say something that makes the other person unhappy.

At this moment, Shen Liwei is confident and Yun Jian is willing to know himself.

But I saw Yun Jian standing in front of Wei Li just slightly sideways and glanced at him.

Seeing Yun Jian glance at himself, Shen Liwei realized that Yun Jian did not like to shake hands with people?

So Shen Liwei quickly withdrew his hand, then looked at Yun Jian with a smile, and some Wei Nuo promised Yun Jian in front of his friends and girls:

"That's my name, Shen Liwei, from Country Z, we are from one country! Hey, then they are my friends ..."

Shen Liwei was talking, and the words began to stutter. Later, he was stared at Yun Jian for a long time, his face turned red.

It was not because Shen Liwei had a good impression of Yunjian that he blushed, but because of Yunjian's strength just now, she had an urge to treat Yunjian as an idol.

In the presence of his idol, the words of Shen Liwei began to stutter.

Don't look deeply away from Wei usually also like to show in front of a few friends, but this is all forced out.

Especially like Shen Liwei, who has the richest money in front of a few friends, always has to learn a lot of skills.

Earlier, when Li Zhiwei held the real gun to hit the target, in fact he was panicked and didn't know how to move.

But all the friends around him clamored to ask him to make a ten-ring.

When hitting the Ninth Ring, Shen Liwei was relieved with a sigh of relief, and then he was a little bit surprised.

This is also the normal response of young people.

It's like in a school class, if you won the first place in an exam, you might look at your classmates with your nose.

I saw Yunjian just now, and Shen Liwei felt that he had just seen an idol, and saw what he wanted to be in his ideal!

So when I saw Yun Jian in the restaurant, I ran quickly without thinking about Wei Jian, and then called Yun Jian.

Yun Jian only slightly raised his eyes and took a deep look at Shen Liwei, and then moved his steps. The moment he was about to go to the restaurant, a young girl in her early twenties standing next to Shen Liwei shouted at Yunjian:

"You are great! So can you teach us how to shoot a gun! We will be grateful! If you don't want to, you can also make an offer, we can get how much money! My name is Meng Tiantian!"

Not only did Shen Liwei think so, so did the few standing beside Shenli Wei.

Yun Jian is so powerful. If Yun Jian can be taught her skills, wouldn't they become super powerful characters when they return?

Shen Liwei and Meng Tiantian just trembled at the thought.

Yun Jian squinted. Before Yun Jian made a sound, a laugh came out again. After the laugh fell, the owner of the laugh appeared here:

"Do you guys want to worship her as a teacher? Don't think about it! She has never accepted a disciple!"

The master of laughter is Luo Xi.

Luo Xi walked from not far away at this moment, and just heard the words of Shen Weiwei and Meng Tiantian and so on, so she couldn't help talking.

The person I met was Luo Xi, and the coach said that Luo Xi's brutality was a little hesitant from Wei He Meng Tiantian and others, and he took two steps back.

Seeing this, Luo Xi didn't find it inappropriate, she took a look at Yunjian who was lazy in her pants pocket, and continued to say something to Shen Liwei and Meng Tiantian:

"Don't say you, even I wanted to worship her as a teacher, but I was rejected."

Having said that, Luo Xi first covered her chest and showed a sad look.

After a while, Luo Xi glanced back at Meng Tiantian and said to Meng Tiantian:

"Little sister, no matter how rich your family is, you won't be able to worship her as a teacher. Do you know how many people asked to worship her as a teacher at the time? Let me mention what other international leaders are rushing to worship her as a teacher.

"At first, someone converted it into five billion dollars in cash and pulled nearly a hundred trucks to send her hands to ask her to accept her apprentice. She didn't even look at it. Why are you tender?"

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