Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1861: Leave the leader, this beast

Suddenly hugged by Mosen, Luoberry trembled a little. She put her hand embarrassingly on her chest, and it wasn't the case to put it down, nor was it to embrace Mosen.

To be honest, Moson gave her the feeling of calmness and calmness, as if she would always use calmness and calmness to deal with things.

But just now, for her, he actually shouted at Snow Eagle with such loud words.

"Did I say something wrong?" Luoberry lowered her head awkwardly, pursed her red lips, and then tried to push Mosen away gently.

While pushing, Luoberry whispered, "I'm sorry ..."

Luo Bing just wanted to push Mosen away, but Mosen suddenly held her tightly in her arms, and tightened even more.

"I don't need to apologize!" Moson suddenly said.


Earlier, Moson also said ‘other people ’s affairs, do n’t care.’

These two sentences together can easily make people think.

Could she be in his heart, already a member of her own family?

Luoberry shook her head, her face flushed slightly, she was a bit shy ...


Luoberry suddenly looked up. She was about to speak, but when she looked up, Mosen was lowering her head.

The height difference between Luoberry and Morson is not very large, although Luoberry is much shorter than Morson.

Luoberry's height can reach a little above Mosen's ear.

In this look up, Luoberry actually had something to say to Moson, but unexpectedly, the moment she looked up, she didn't think about it at all. When she looked up, Luoberry suddenly looked down at her face and looked at her.

Suddenly she felt a cold, soft, soft touch from her lips.

In the next breath, Luoberry's pupils widened, and she stared in horror at Moson's face, which magnified countless times between her eyes.

The moment she looked up, Morson was looking down.

In the midst of it, it seemed as if a red line was pulling both sides.

Luoberry looked up, she didn't step on her feet, and Moson didn't bend over.

It's just that Mosen lowered his head to look at her, and Luoberry suddenly looked up at this moment and couldn't stop the car. Her lips were actually printed with Mosen's thin lips ...

The first kiss in their lives was so confused ...

Blood doll tissue.

At that moment, Emperor Lin was holding on to Leng Mei, picking up the last 10 days and 10 nights, and was working hard for 100 days and 100 nights.

"Uh-huh ... Ah Boss, I ... My waist, I can't do it anymore, I'm thirsty! I want to go to the kitchen and pour a glass of water to drink ... "

Leng Mei is being copied by the emperor on the floor beside the bed, trying hard to exercise.

Leng Mei held his hands against Dilin, and he wanted to move to the bedside, but as soon as he moved to the bedside, Dilin followed him.

This time around, Leng Mei leaned on the edge of the bed and was pressed by the imperial court.

After listening to Leng Mei's words, Dilin was even more annoyed. He straightly said, "Go to the kitchen and pour a glass of water? Then leave me? Huh?"

With that said, Emperor Lin pushed hard.

The cold charm screamed again and again.

When she was a child, Leng Mei was lying on Dilin's chest. She nodded, thinking about how to escape from Dilin.

Although her family emperor confessed to her, this made Leng Mei not ordinary joy.

But after being arrested in the past few days, every day, Emperor Lin tried hard to do bad things in bed, and her waist almost broke.

I really miss the time when I am playing mahjong with the blue glaze and care ...

And she won every round, and every time she could let Celadon and care to wash her clothes ...

"What do you want?" Di Lin asked Lengmei when he saw him.

Lengmei stared into the distance and did not realize that her boss was asking her own words. She had a red lips, and she said in her heart:

"I'm thinking about how I can leave the beast of the leader to look for celadon and care about rubbing mahjong."

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