Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1870: Fancy it, itchy body

Ye Ling, as the name suggests, looks very beautiful. Those pair of sky-blue eyes seemed to be able to talk. Even Yun Jian couldn't help but look twice.

At this moment, Ye Lingjun was wearing large, fluffy, tattered clothes on her body, and the clothes she wore, as well as the appearance of a wolf, although it was much better than before when fighting against a lion, but after packing and finishing, I didn't see much .

Yun Jian knew that this was the way Ye Ling survived here to protect himself.

If Ye Ling had not vilified himself like this, he would have been tarnished by the men here.

"My name is Yun Jian, and I come from Country Z." Yun Jian also introduced himself briefly, then turned over to lie on one of the empty beds, put his backpack, closed his eyes and rested.

Ye Ling saw Yun Jian close her eyes, but she nodded toward Yun Jian, and then sat on her bed thoughtfully.

After a while or so, Yun Jian opened his eyes. Ye Ling saw Yun Jian opened his eyes. She seemed to haven't found anyone to speak for a long time, so she asked Yun Jian carefully and carefully:

"Are you going to the hunting school yourself?"

After hearing Ye Ling's careful questioning, Yun Jian nodded, "Yes."

"Why? Why did you volunteer to go to a hunting school? It's scary here, we all want to leave here." Ye Ling asked puzzled.

"For strength, in order to have more powerful strength." Yun Jian squinted.

Everyone's values ​​and pursuits are different.

Some people hope that they can become doctors in the future, and some hope that they can become teachers in the future.

And her Yunjian, the pursuit of supreme strength!

After listening to what Yun Jian said, Ye Ling was silent for a while, and then continued to speak: "If you don't ask my name, I have almost forgotten my name.

"I stayed here when I was very young. 189 is my name. The woman caught here is either the object of watching. Just like the lion I played just now, there is always danger to life.

"Then be your slaves to those men!"

Speaking of His Majesty, Ye Lingqi shook his fist.

After being silent for a while, Ye Ling relaxed and said to Yun Jian: "The other women living in the dormitory are all the same as me. They were here when they were very young, but they chose to be a venting tool for men except me. . "

And she was struggling, and this was not the first time she had battled a lion, and she was bruised every time.

No one would sympathize with her Ye Ling. If she didn't leave here, Ye Ling would end up with only two.

Or compromise, like those women living in other bedrooms, become a vent tool for all men here.

Either never stop fighting against the beast, until he dies in the blood of the beast because of lack of energy.

"There were originally four people in this dormitory, but now I am the only one left." Ye Ling sighed.

Ye Ling didn't know why he talked so much today, and told Yun Jian everything he knew.

After saying these things, she felt a bit stupid. Why did she say so much?

"Well." Just then, Yun Jian promised softly.

Yun Jian usually doesn't talk to people very much. When he responds to Ye Ling, he says that he has regarded Ye Ling as a woman of Wei Wei.

"Oh!" At this moment, the door of Yun Jian and Ye Ling's bedroom was suddenly opened, and a woman led a group of women through the door.

As soon as she started, she stepped on a broken leg in Ye Ling's bedroom and said politely:

"189, I heard that you took care of Master Wei of the Dark Soul organization? Your woman, charm is pretty good! Is it so long that you haven't been beaten and itchy?"

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