Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1874: I promise you, the night is not very peaceful

After Ye Wei said this, Ye Ling put her hands on her chest and pressed her body against Yi Wei. The pair of beautiful little eyes blinked and did not say anything, apparently she was frightened by what She said.

Ye Wei looked at Ye Ling, he looked at Ye Ling for two seconds, and finally got out of Ye Ling and stood on the edge of the bed.

After two seconds of silence, Ye Wei said to Ye Ling: "Now you live in my house."

It is still simple and clear, but it is a very direct oath of sovereignty.

After Ye Ling heard it, she blinked her eyes and said, "My things are still in the girl's dormitory, and how can I live with your widow and widow ..."

Before Ye Ling finished speaking, Wei Wei's voice interrupted her, leaving no room for her: "Go get it."

At the end, Ye Ling was unwilling to live with himself, and Wei Wei's sharp eyes were directly above his eyebrows, his eyes frowning suddenly.

The eyebrows dropped in the next second, and then Wei Wei's words followed. "If you don't like it, I'll let Buddy go to you."

Ye Ling is very smart. She promised Wei Wei, apparently to avoid Buddy.

But Wei Wei is not stupid, naturally knows Ye Ling's little cleverness.

Therefore, upon hearing what Wei Wei said, Ye Ling immediately remembered that Buddy was intoxicated with the 211 group of women day and night.

That girl's dormitory building, except for her and the new student Yun Jian, all the girls Buddy have tasted things.

Nausea, this feeling is not ordinary nausea.

If Buddy were to treat her like this, she might as well die.

"I promise you ..." Ye Ling said quietly.

Although looking at Wei Wei is not a good person, but since Wei Wei appeared, I have not seen him go to other women like other men.

Coupled with this moment of crisis, she had no choice but to agree to Wei Wei first.

"Go and move now." Ye Wei carrying Ye Ling on her back, her voice still simple and clear.

However, where Ye Ling didn't see it, Wu Wei's lips rose for a lifetime.

You should know that Wei Wei has been flat on his face since he followed Si Yi. Whether it is hurt or happy, his second expression never appears on his face.

Today, because Ye Ling's helplessness promised to live with him, the corners of his lips rose at an instant that he couldn't even notice.

If this is to be seen by Snow Eagle or Adam, it is estimated that he would jump up and stare with exclaiming: This is not our Wei Wei!

In the girl's dormitory building, Yun Jian hid the envelope temporarily given by her to her in her backpack.

Then continue to close your eyes and rest.

Just closing my eyes for a while, the door rang again.

Ye Ling came back this time.

"Yun Jian, I can't live with you ..." Ye Ling said to Yun Jian with some frustration, and at the same time she recounted what had just happened to Yun Jian, of course, without saying that Wei Wei touched her chest kiss The clavicle on her shoulder.

After listening, Yun Jian gave only two words: "Go."

After two seconds of silence, Yun Jian added: "May I help you organize your stuff?"

This face can't wait for her to go to Wei Wei, so Ye Ling almost didn't doubt if Yun Jian was Wei Wei's mother.

In the end, he simply sorted out his things, and Ye Ling moved away.

Ye Ling moved away, is the best choice.

On Wei Wei's side, there is Wei Wei's protection.

Tonight, it is not meant to be a peace night.

Yun Jian closed his eyes and continued to rest

In the evening, at 1:30 in the morning.

"I hate it ~ Lord Buddy, please tap eh ..." In the 211 bedroom, 211 is doing some strenuous exercise with Buddy.

Roommates in the 211 bedroom are all there, but they are immune to this move by 211 and Buddy.

"Shit the female watch, move it!" Buddy gripped 211's neck angrily, venting while hitting 211.

Unwilling, unwilling to watch Ye Ling just move to Qi Wei! Fatty to the mouth ran away!

Afterwards, 211 saw the reason why Buddy was angry at a glance. She suddenly thought about what Yun Jian had done to her during the day. With her eyes turning, she recommended herself to Buddy:

"Master Badie, although Ye Ling is gone, there is a girl in her bedroom who looks more beautiful than her!"

"Oh?" Buddy's face turned bright as soon as Buddy heard it.

"But that woman is a student of our hunting school. I guess it's not easy to get this ..." 211 sighed.

"Students? There is only one female student in this class. Could it be her!" Suddenly remembering Yun Jian, Buddy's angry mood raised his eyebrows immediately.

He still hurts in that kick!

"Master Buddy knows that woman? That woman doesn't say anything else, I look pretty good!" 211 leaned on Buddy.

Buddy suddenly licked his mouth, showing a wicked smile: "Since the woman dared to do this to me, I must get her!"

Speaking, Buddy thought about Yun Jian's beautiful face and figure, grabbed 211 and crashed into 211.

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