Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1878: 211 Conspiracy, Skydiving

After Yun Jian returned to his dormitory, he fell asleep.

Ye Ling moved to live with Yun Wei. This bedroom will only be her in the future.

Nothing overnight.

Although the emergency meeting in the early morning was more than three o'clock, Yunjian took a short break during the day, so she did not snooze the next morning.

Yun Jian woke up at 4:30 in the morning, only slept for more than an hour, and went out for a morning run and returned, it was already 5 o'clock.

At five o'clock, the blast horn of the gas bomb arrived as expected.

Everyone deserved to be the elite of all countries. With the experience of last night, everyone smartly avoided the raid of gas bombs.

Although everyone was still blackened with charcoal on the contaminated face after the dust from the gas bomb, and their clothes were covered with dust, there was a higher chance of injury than last night. No one was injured today.

Perhaps it was because of Yun Jian's remarks, or perhaps the first day when he came to the hunting school, everyone unanimously demanded that Jemir be stricter with everyone.

The total training time in the hunting school is one year.

In other words, during this year, special forces of various countries have to undergo a lot of inhuman training. If they can't, they will be disqualified halfway and not allowed to graduate.

Even if he is seriously injured midway, as long as he does not re-enter the team after 48 hours, he will be disqualified directly.

And in this year, there will be countless gun battles and selection under actual combat conditions.

For example, when the puppet is advancing, the bullet flies overhead, and the selected personnel have no protection, and they will strike a mine when they deviate.

So the mortality rate in hunting schools is extremely high!

For this reason, some students will not be able to complete the graduation task of the hunting school, return to their hometown with regret, and some students will unfortunately lose their lives.

Back to reality, Yunjian is still the earliest to reach the designated large playground. Although other students are slower, they are much faster than yesterday.

Except for Yunjian, the special forces of other countries have all gone through the training of special forces in various countries. The foundation is naturally ingrained.

This group of people come to the hunting school, they must remember that they are not here to train to become a special force, but they want to go to the next level and become a true strongman within the reach of the special force!

People who come here are not weak!

When everyone gathered at the big playground, Jemir sent everyone a 20 kg combat backpack and asked everyone to carry it for 20 km off-road marching training.

This is a task that must be completed every morning to get up!

In the next 15 days, Yunjian and his team completed more than 20 critical courses under the actual combat conditions within 15 days of enrollment.

Yunjian did not perform well, instead it was the worst performer.

This surprised everyone a little, but no one thought much

On the 16th day of the hunting school, the real training officially started.

Early this morning, after completing the 20 kg 20 km cross-country marching training, they were taken to an open space by Jemir.

After taking the crowd to this open space, Jameel left here temporarily, which can be regarded as a break for everyone.

Everyone present was sitting on the lawn. It was rare to have time to rest as they did today. The training a few days ago made everyone out of breath, so they all sat down.

Yun Jian leaned against a big tree with his eyes closed.

"16! 16!" Chen Yang shouted Yun Jian over there.

Seeing this, Yun Jian walked away with his eyes open.

But when I saw that the venue was full of big men just now, there were suddenly 211 more women.

"They are good girls, they brought us water!" Chen Yang drank a bottle of water that 211 handed him, and said to Yun Jian.

Obviously, Chen Yang was deceived by the appearance of 211.

"I heard that you will be skydiving later. Lord Buddy told me that now Lord Jemir should mobilize a large helicopter, and I will take you into the air later." 211 friendly himself Tell everyone what you know.

Having said that, 211 turned to look at Yun Jian, and said to Yun Jian with a good look on Yun Jian: "They are all big men. Here you are only a girl. Skydiving or something, you really can OK?

"And I heard that you are still in high school. They have all undergone formal training, everything has been trained, but you" you are just a high school student.

211 looked worried.

"Skydiving?" Yun Jian raised an eyebrow.

211 Seeing Yun Jian showing this look, she thought Yun Jian was afraid, and she said, "Yeah! I think you are so cute, or if you ask the instructor for a vacation, don't go ..." "

211 eagerly spoke, but before she finished, she was interrupted by Yun Jian.

In front of a group of people, Yun Jian sneered and replied: "I once jumped a high-altitude skydiving at a height of 20,000 meters. Is the high-altitude skydiving height higher than 20,000 meters?"

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