Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1880: Take it easy, my anger

Wu Wei has not had much contact with Yun Jian. It can be said that since Sidi diligently ran to Longmen City, later, Wu Wei was basically in the dark soul organization, even if he met Yun Jian a few times, Absolutely no more than five times.

Of these five times, the number of times of speaking was even poorer.

Or maybe he didn't talk to Yun Jian at all?

Si Yi knew that Yun Jian was the identity of Moshen, so it was impossible to publicize it everywhere.

Even if Snow Eagle and Adam or Moson knew Yun Jian's identity, they would not easily mention it.

This also led to Wei Wei not knowing the details of Yunjian. He only knew that Yunjian had some dealings with the ancient killing mercenary group, but he would never know that Yunjian was the **** of sacredness and SS.

"This is really an interesting game, so let's wait and see." After Jaime heard what Wei Wei said, he pulled out an arc

Yunjian sitting in a large helicopter is already equipped with a parachute.

The 211 group of women naturally did not have this qualification to keep up.

At this moment, Yun Jian is sitting in the hangar of a large helicopter.

The 3,000-meter long jump was performed this time. For everyone, this height is not high, but it is not low.

"After a while, the door to the warehouse opened, and I was the first to jump! It's a man, come with me!" Mai Danhongliang's voice sounded.

Mactan was clearly masculine in front of everyone.

Maybe in front of a group of grandfathers, Macdan doesn't need to show his masculinity.

But at this moment, there was a woman sitting in the warehouse.

"16, don't be nervous, just relax."

Both Chen Yang and Ding Jianlin are from Country Z with Yun Jian. They are very upright people, so even if you know Yun Jian's strength, you can't help saying a word about Yun Jian's age.

"Um." Yun Jian nodded, showing kindness to the two.

"Helicopter flight altitude is 1m, 2m, 3m, 2998m, 2999m, 3000m" The instructor's voice sounded non-stop, waiting to reach 3000m, which was exactly the height of the high-altitude landing, the helicopter stopped In the air.

The plane carrying passengers at the airport must not stop suddenly. Even if it is to stop, it must land slowly.

The helicopter can be stopped at a high altitude, but the same is that the opposing paddles on the helicopter cannot stop rotating. If the helicopter stops rotating, the aircraft will fall.

"The warehouse door is open, you can parachute." The instructor looked indifferently at this side, and spoke to the crowd.

At this time, the warehouse door has been opened.

At a height of 3,000 meters, a huge airflow surged in as soon as the door opened.

Seeing such a huge airflow, McDonald planned to jump down in front of Yun Jian's face handsomely, but when the warehouse door opened, he slightly counseled, "I check my parachute."

Seeing McDonald's doing this, everyone checked their parachute one after another, but it was actually a little panic inside.

Landing from a height of 3,000 meters, who is not afraid of changing this kind of thing?

However, as soon as everyone checked their parachute, Yun Jian strolled to the door of the warehouse, and she jumped without hesitation and jumped out.

"She, she, she! She just jumped out like this?" Someone saw this, and was still checking his parachute gear. He paused, and asked unresponsively.

"This little girl has courage!" Someone said in another voice.

Next to Yun Jian are Chen Yang and Ding Jianlin from Z country.

Chen Yang and Ding Jianlin are excellent special forces and very upright.

When they saw Yun Jian jumping out, they followed each other ...

Don't look at the skydiving of one person after another, this helicopter is not moving at all, plus the momentum of jumping will lead people to move aimlessly.

It is difficult for ordinary people to hit the ground.

After Yun Jian landed, she closed her parachute and pursed her lips.

Everything is very natural to her.

Soon after landing, Yun Jian suddenly heard a gurgling voice.

She narrowed her eyes and stood by the tree.

The master of this voice, she is no stranger, it is Buddy and 211.

"Master Buddy, as directed by this locator, she should be nearby!"

"Giggle, this time, I see where she runs! She dared to hit me that day, so bear my anger!"

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