Two sentences fell, Buddy's body fell to the ground at a speed that everyone could see.

The sound of "嘭" fell to the ground, and everyone in the audience listened slightly.

Coupled with Yun Jian's astonishing knife speed and speed just shown in front of everyone!

Two seconds, not only destroyed Buddy, but also bounced the knife back and held it in the palm of your hand!

You know Buddy is not weak! As the commander of the hunting school, Jamie, how could Buddy be the weak?

What's more, Buddy is under Jemir's hands. In the case of seeing Yunjian attack Buddy with his own eyes, and the appearance of Jemir protecting Buddy just now, if Jemir stopped it, he would definitely not watch Buddy being watched. Yun Jian sealed his throat with a knife.

But today's problem is that Yun Jian has dealt with Buddy in the presence of Jamie, and his skill is so powerful that it cannot be captured by the naked eye!

Jamie, even without a chance to react, watched Buddy fall to the ground!

The speed of such a knife and such a killing move not only saw the eyes of the people staring with horror and shock, but also made Jamir, who had been leaving mysteriously and calmly, showed a dazzling expression.

"Ah! Ah ..." 211 and the group of women screaming in horror, the women screaming at the tip of their throats, the one from their hearts.

211 and this group of women and 211 are different from Ye Ling. They have gone the other way with Ye Ling early--become slaves to these men!

And Ye Ling, who grew up in the slaughter and went live, became a group of 211 women all against Ye Ling, not as good as her.

However, this is only in the face of the 211 group of women, compared with other people in the hunting school, Ye Ling's strength is not enough to look at.

Although 211 and others who are not as good as Ye Ling have seen the dead, when they see Buddy dying in front of them, they will still be scared and tremble, as if they saw some kind of thrilling picture.

Of course, the most feared is 211.

To know that Buddy will die, 211 is also the one who made plans.

Jemir sank, without saying a word, nor showing the grief of losing his men.

I have to say that Yun Jian's strength is too shocking.

Such strength ...

I am afraid that even his Jamil has no room for resistance in Yun Jian's hand!

The young girl has such a strength that makes people feel terrified! So what did she come to hunting school for!

Her strength should not be greatly expanded in the hunting school? Jemir frowned fiercely.

Suddenly, the screams and fears of the 211 group of women sounded uninterruptedly, just like one after another, but the sound was broken to the extreme, and the husky was the kind of very uncomfortable.

The big men around couldn't help frowning when they heard the screams of the 211 group of women, but didn't say much.

"To shut up."

At the moment when the screams of the 211 group of women kept ringing, the two words of light drinking suddenly came out. These two words with a decisive spirit of decisiveness made the 211 group of women frightened and closed on the spot mouth.

But the owner of the voice saw the hand shake the blade knife of Badiyin, who was almost stained with blood, standing on the spot. She turned her eyes sharply to 211.

At the moment Yun Jian made his voice, 211 was still shaking, his body shivered unconsciously and he shut up obediently.

"SS." At that moment, Wei Wei's deep eyes flashed fiercely, and he looked at Yun Jian again in front of everyone.

This time, from Wei Wei's mouth, it was not a question, but a cry of affirming one's identity.

After that, Yun Wei's eyes were sharp and sharp. He looked at Yun Jian sideways, and in front of a group of people who had once again been attracted by the words SS, spoke to Yun Jian and said 凛The longest sentence Wei has ever said:

"I didn't expect this trick that I taught you at the beginning, and now you use it better than me, SS, you are indeed the best first person among the agents I have trained!"

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