Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1886: Ye Ling was born, someone came to the scene

Wu Wei's words never give room for rejection.

Ye Ling blinked, and suddenly a teardrop flashed between the blue eyes.

"What's wrong with you ..." Seeing Ye Ling's eyes flashed a trace of tears suddenly, a calm person like Rao Wei could not help but be at a loss.

But Wei Wei did not show his helplessness.

"I miss home, you all forced me one by one. I want to go home. I haven't been home for ten years. No one is really good to me except my father and mother. Here I have the right to choose. No......"

Ye Ling's pair of sky blue eyes suddenly flickered up and down, and she blinked, not knowing why. She felt her nose sore and wanted to cry.

Ye Ling is 19 years old, six years younger than Wei Wei, and Wei Wei is 25.

Ye Ling was nurtured and spoiled from an early age, so she developed a bad-tempered princess temper from an early age. She was no longer willing to quarrel with her parents, and making a pair of parents is just harming her and harming her.

Count the very bad one.

Ye Ling was still small at the time, only nine years old, but she was used to being spoiled. Nine-year-old Ye Ling was even more exaggerated than those young boys and girls in the rebellious period of youth.

It is probably that people live in different environments, and some personalities will change accordingly.

Ye Ling, young, was accustomed to pampering her, and her rebellious period was obviously earlier than her peers. I don't know how many years.

But at the age of nine, Ye Ling ran away from home after arguing with her parents and was taken into a hunting school for a decade of inhumane training.

In the past ten years, Ye Ling has been hiding in the bed and crying. She also thought about suicide, but she survived.

At this time, she realized that her parents were good.

You are at home, noisy with your parents every day, and will even germinate the idea of ​​never seeing your parents again in your life.

So when choosing a university, many students want to choose as far away from home as possible, so that they can no longer see their parents.

But when a person leaves his parents to live outside and sees the other side of society, he will think of his parents crazy.

A college student will go home even if he is in need, and can still meet his parents.

But Ye Ling was different. She was brought into a hunting school. Ye Ling counted many times in her dreams when she was a child. She was most disgusted. It was also the parents who wanted to see her after she had been ruthless.

But such a slim hope is also a luxury.

Over the years, Ye Ling has suppressed her tremendous pain in the bottom of her heart, and has shown her most tenacious side in front of everyone.

Because she believed that as long as she survived, she could see her parents again!

Can't die! Never die! Never give in!

It was with this hope that Ye Ling survived.

People who have not experienced this kind of feeling will never understand. When facing the cruelty of the world and the real chill of others, you are most likely to think of it, or are you most disgusted and impatient in your day? Parents with ears in their ears.

Ye Ling didn't know what happened to her. She actually cried and crouched down and hugged herself. She couldn't help venting her emotions in front of Wu Wei, and the tears were like the water flowing from the faucet, and kept on. Flowed out.

Seeing this, Wu Wei couldn't help but feel tight.

Reaching out, Ji Wei grabbed Ye Ling's wrist, pulled Ye Ling squatting on the ground, and wrapped herself in her warm arms.

Then, it also ended: "I will not force you anymore, I will make you willing to have children for me."

I believe that he will not change

In the girl's dormitory building, Yun Jian was lying on the bed. The door was slammed with stones. When Yun Jian opened the door and walked out of the door, she saw a grove not far from the girl's dormitory building, and a ghost was waving at her.

Si Yi wrote a letter to her almost every day during this time, all of which could not bear to look straight.

Yun Jian saw this and went to the grove.

After receiving the envelope from the ghost, as always, Yunjian opened the envelope and saw the familiar handwriting:

Small note, miss you so much, I really want you to stay out of bed for 365 days.

Yun Jian saw this, his face flushed.

At the moment Yun Jian was about to turn back to the dormitory, a familiar freshness came from behind Yun Jian, and someone came to hug her from behind.

He hugged her from the back of Yunjian, leaned over her ear, sniffed the familiar and crazy taste that made him familiar, and instantly became fascinated ...

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