Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1897: Marry me, i like you

After the man had spoken, Meng Zhang and Wan Menglin and his party were even more frightened.

If Yun Jian is a student of the hunting school, this makes Wan Menglin feel incredible. Then the dark soul organized the four words and brought them infinite fear.

Wan Menglin was surprised and couldn't even say a word.

Madan over there glanced at the man with praise-like eyes. Seeing this, the man's face was pleased with his flattering appeal to Madan.

When McDonald and the man thought that they had successfully placed Yun Jian's friends together, Yun Jian was slightly indifferent, and said softly:

"Childish, stupid."

After that, Yun Jian grabbed Si Yi's hand with his little hand, and walked to the woods on the side.

When leaving, Yun Jian's cold look didn't even look at those people of Wan Menglin.

Fools can clearly see it.

Yun Jian and Wan Menglin are definitely not friends.

Seeing this scene, Mactan instantly felt that he had been extremely stupid.

Just as McDan wanted to speak out, clutching a dagger and chasing Yunjian up.

"Bang, bang!"

Three gunshots and fell again.

Three rounds of bullets flew exactly from the top of Macdan's head, the side of his left and right arms.

After the bullet passed, it was nailed into the tree behind McDonald's and three points into the wood.

Seeing this scene of Wan Menglin, Wu Tianlan and others were so scared that they almost did not kneel on the ground and tremble.

But when I do n’t know, Sidi took the pistol and fired three shots at Mactan.

By that time, Si Yi had retracted the gun.

He circled Yunjian and looked at Mai Dan and his party. He solemnly warned: "Don't let me see you again, or you as a student of the hunting school, I can't kill you!"

After that, he dragged Yunjian and left.

The words of Madan on the other side were slightly frightened by the words of Yi Yi. For some reason, he really dared not catch up with the dagger.

Even if she learned of Yun Jian's appalling identity from Mai Dan's mouth, Wan Menglin watched Sidi's figure obsessively and wanted to catch up: "Hey, wait ..."

But before Wan Menglin caught up, the figures of Yun Jian and Si Yi disappeared in two or three ...

From Meng Zhang's mouth, Yun Jian already knew the approximate location of the entrance to another world.

As for that world, it is Yulong continent, or some other unknown world. Yun Jian is still unknown, but she must find out.

So Yun Jian and Si Yi proceeded to the approximate position given by Meng Zhang ...

At this moment, the Dark Soul organization headquarters.

Last time, Shi Luo and Luo Bing said those secret things, thinking that he was pregnant with a baby, so scared that he didn't dare to go back to Xueying's residence, and had to live with Luo Bing.

Then Xueying angrily shouted Mosen to Luo Bing to take Siluo back.

It's been a while since this happened.

Luoberry packed her luggage this day and was going home from the Dark Soul Organization.

"Sister Luoberry, do you really want to go back? Then you take Silo to your house to play, OK." Siluo watched Luoberry pack up his luggage, very reluctant.

The last time Siluo was brought back by Snow Eagle, he just didn't live with Luoberry. They played together during the day.

"Isn't your family likely to be willing?" Luo Bing laughed, then rubbed Slaw's head.

Last time, she misunderstood, thinking that Snow Eagle was playing a rogue against Slow.

After listening, Siluo grumbled.

"Then I'm leaving, go and tell them individually for me." Luo Bing rubbed Sloe's head again, dragging his luggage with some heavy outwards.

She didn't dare tell him.

Fearing that he would keep her again, she was reluctant to leave.

Luoberry is really determined to leave this time.

What if he followed him like this?

They are not people of the same world.

I didn't know that Luoberry was walking out of the gate with heavy luggage and met Mosen.

Seeing Luo Bing dragging a large luggage, Mo Sen, who had just raised his eyebrows, suddenly frowned.

The handsome face immediately darkened.

"What are you going to do?" Moson asked in three or two steps, grabbing Luoberry's wrist.

"I want to go home." Lorraine didn't dare to look at Moson.

"You just want to leave me like that?" Moson held tighter.

Now Luo Bing dare not answer, she will not lie.

The moment Luo Bing didn't dare to look up at Moson, Moson suddenly held her hand and forced her to look up at herself.

The next second Moson said, let Luoberry stay in place.

He said, "Marry me, I like you so you are not allowed to leave."

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