Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1904: Entering the mainland, Stie disappears

Joseph's words were serious, like solemn promises, and like a hero, superman.

In Joseph's country, the savior, hero, and superman were the targets that boys aspire to become.

Today, Joseph is standing in front of the crowd, like a hero, and telling everyone what was moving.

No one can say such things. Joseph's words must be very determined.

The group standing beside Joseph was somewhat moved.

Yun Jian blinked, but did not show any moving expression.

In the end, everyone unanimously decided that except for the older group of John, the younger ones followed Joseph.

This trip to another world, it is unknown whether we can come back, and whether we can find the entrance to that world is also unknown.

Of course, Joseph and others did not know that finding this entrance was only a matter of time for Yun Jian and Si Yi.

A group of people followed Joseph, and soon proceeded from the base where the rows had houses.

Knowing that Joseph had been to that world, everyone present was very interested.

In particular, Wan Menglin, she followed Joseph tightly and asked very thoroughly about the other world that Joseph had been to.

At the end of the hearing, Wan Menglin felt as if she had been to that other world, as if she had heard Joseph's words, and she seemed to know everything about another strange world. Wan Menglin ran to Yunjian and was very happy Se raised his head, and flaunted Yun Jian:

"Do you know, there is another Pegasus in another world! It is the kind of flying horse, just like in the fairy tale world!"

What this said was like Wan Menglin herself had already been to the Central Continent.

Yun Jian hooked coldly, holding the palm of Si Yi backhand, ignoring Wan Menglin.

This scene turned Wan Menglin's angry face green.

Just then, Joseph there suddenly pointed to one place and opened his mouth to the crowd:

"Look, it's that cave! It's gone! I fell down from that cave and went to another world! I remember that the cave was also gone!

"It's gone now! Let's hurry up! Otherwise we won't be able to go to that world!"

Joseph led the crowd to a cave, but at the same time, the cave suddenly glowed with white light. This scene surprised everyone around him, and at the same time Joseph suddenly shouted and shouted.

Then, Joseph at the other end had taken the lead and rolled into the cave.

When everyone around Joseph saw this, they rolled in one by one.

Where did Wan Menglin care about Yun Jian and Si Yi, she also chased forward and rolled into the cave.

"There is a strong spirit in the cave." Si Yi looked at the cave with a narrow squint.

"Let's go too." Yun Jian glanced sideways at Si Yi.

"Yes." Si Yi grabbed Yun Jian's little hand and walked over there.

After everyone entered the hole, the light in the hole seemed to be a flash in the air, as if it had not appeared from the beginning, and there was no more noise ...

When Yunjian was wrapped in white light when she entered the cave, Yunjian seemed to be bathed in the sun. She was dizzy. Perhaps the spiritual power injected into the white light was too powerful. In addition, Yunjian's memory of absorbing the witch **** was not complete, so she I had a headache and passed out.

Yun Jian was not the first to wake up. When she woke up, most people woke up.

It is no longer the earth that catches your eyes, but the white mist filled and smoky world.

Here is the central continent!

"Yun Jian, you're awake! Your man is gone! We just woke up and we didn't see him here! Will he be teleported to another place?" Ni Kela woke up in Yun Jian Just came over and said to Yun Jian.

He's gone? Yun Jian frowned.

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