Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1907: Here I am, Wang Fa

The old man said, taking another sip of chicken drumsticks and drinking a drink with the chicken drumsticks, it was very pleasant.

Si Yi's eyes sank slightly, and he squinted to look at the old man, and suddenly stretched out the handsome hand on his right, and grabbed the old man in front of him.

The pleasant old man sitting on the low table was suddenly grabbed by a force and hovered in the air.

The chicken leg in the old man's hand also fell off his hand and spun in front of him. The old man wanted to reach out and hold his chicken leg, but he had a force to do so.

The old man had exhausted his own spiritual power and could not crack the spiritual power of Si Yi.

"Oh!" The old man hit a full snorkel first, and the man hovered over, staring at Si Yi with his own eyeballs, then continued:

"Smelly boy, are you going to kill your father? You can't let me down! Your boy chased the Witch God. It was thousands of years before he was willing to come back to see me! Once he came back, he didn't care about me. Hit you ass! "

Talking, the old man shook his fist at Si Yi, and he was an old naughty boy.

The temple is the place where the masters of the **** continent live.

The master of the gods' continent is also the master of the gods.

That is the supreme representative, the symbol of the supreme strength!

And Shiyi is the master of this **** continent!

Lord God is the title that the gods on the continent respect him.

And this old man is the father of Lord God, the Lord God.

At the same time, the old man was also the master of the last continent of gods.

Lord God, is the honorable title of the gods of the last term.

At this moment, the Lord God, who is admired by the gods, is hovering in the sky, and how can it not land on the ground.

"Old man, I advise you, the lovers you sent to follow her, if you dare to appear next time, don't blame me for destroying them!"

Si Yi Leng looked at the old man and said this.

Every time he was alone with his note or wanted to do something, the bad old man sent to monitor their every move and the obstructive guy appeared.

If it weren't for the old man's face, he would just let those guys go!

At the end of the speech, he closed his hands, and his spirits dissipated.

The old man followed a bird with folded wings and fell from midair back to the place where he was sitting without warning.

"Oh ...", the old man shouted "Ouch", rubbing his **** and pointing his **** to Si Yi, very grieved: "Are you doing this to your Lao Tzu! Stink boy! Be careful I let The little witch **** will ignore you anymore! "

"Do you dare!" Sidi heard that the old man wanted her to ignore her any more, and his eyes sank.

The old man was scared. When he saw Sidi's face change, he quickly waved his hand: "No, no, listen to you, the witch **** is cute! I don't dare to grab you!"

His baby boy's spiritual power is much higher than him. He is really old, so he chooses to retreat. Well, that's it.

Not to counsel, just to let him.

The old man waved a sweat, and instantly felt fortunate that he had cleared the relationship with that little girl one step earlier.


Now he can be regarded as the little cute master of the witch god!

At that time, the other side.

After Wan Menglin's taunting of Yun Jian fell, there was silence all around.

After two seconds of silence, the owner of the Dragon family suddenly looked at Wan Menglin, and even the strong men who were almost flying out of the sky couldn't care less.

Wan Menglin was still proud at the moment, but she saw that the owner of the Dragon family there suddenly looked at Wan Menglin and spoke to her dragon guard:

"Catch that woman! According to the conventions of the continents that speak to the Lord Witch God, the woman should be burned to death! Shatter her soul and let her soul fly!"

This practice is a rule set by the continents thousands of years ago. Anyone who speaks well to the Lord Witch God will shatter his soul after being burned to death! The soul is flying! Never reincarnated!

"What! What is this convention! This is the life of a grasshopper! There is no king law!" Wan Menglin listened, and fell directly to the ground, her face sinking and yelling.

Meng Zhang, Wu Tianlan and others were also frightened.

What is the convention?

Say nothing to Yunjian

Actually want to burn it alive, the soul shattered, the soul flying away?

It was at a moment that everyone in the room, such as Meng Zhang, Wu Tianlan and Ni Kela, could not understand.

Yun Jian, who was standing there, slightly arced, and she turned her face to Wan Menglin in front of everyone, cold and full of momentum, as if she was the master of all things Ringing.

Then, blurt out, let everyone present to eat her momentum, her madness:

"Congratulations on entering your world. Here, I, is Wang Fa!"

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