Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1917: Began to recall, the God of Witch God (4)

The monk's anomalous witch **** certainly didn't see it.

At this moment, the witch **** was buried in the king's chest, sniffing his faint pure taste.

It smells good and has a fresh taste.

She thought that men were all smelly species, but he didn't expect the smell of men to smell so good ...

The prince no longer hesitated, he hugged her instead, and the man fell backwards.

The witch **** hugged him at this moment, and everyone fell down the cliff.

This move is very dangerous.

Especially the current princes and witch gods have also lost their spiritual power.

The bodies of the two fell at the speed of light towards Extinction Rock under the cliff.

When he fell into the air, the prince hugged her with one hand and grabbed the protruding stone somewhere on the cliff with the other hand.

That hand actually took the weight of two people, stopped the falling two people, and hung on the edge of a cliff.

Witch God blinked and was shocked.

Whether it's the immortals of the continents or the gods of the deities' continents, because they have cultivated spiritual power and lack the physical strength of the body, they have one thing in common: without spiritual power, they are just an ordinary earth person!

Some are even worse than ordinary Earth people.

And he can do this even without spiritual power, which shows that his physical quality is strong.

This surprised the witch god.

After the reaction came, the prince had entered the cave holding the witch god.

After entering the cave, the **** really let go of the witch god.

For the next three days, the gods and witch gods spent all time in the cave.

At night, it was too cold, and the prince hugged the witch **** and warmed her.

The Witch God refused from the beginning, but gradually became addicted.

Three days, saying that it is not long, the witch **** can feel that he has an affection for him that he should not have.

So after three days, the Lord of God cracked the maze. After the two left this deserted place, the Witch God did not bid farewell ...

The prince naturally felt her feelings towards herself, and the prince at that time had already had feelings for the witch god.

Inside the temple.

The father of the monarch, the old man of the Lord God, sat at the table, and when he saw the absent-mindedness of these days, he spoke to the monarch:

"What do you want! Go chase if you like! Stink boy! Your father and I teach you how to chase after you like it. If you ca n’t catch it, you wo n’t be afraid to disagree with you."

With that said, the old man of the Lord God choked chicken legs and accompanied him with a glass of wine.

"How to chase." Shenjun asked his sharp eyes to the old man of Lord God.

"Three years later, the feasts of the continents are about to kick off. At that time you bring your marriage gift to the person who attended the feasts of the continents and propose to her directly. Doesn't it work!" Drank another drink.

For the next three years, the prince had been meeting the witch **** in the cave mentioned previously. There was a bed and daily necessities in the cave, where the two of them secretly met.

Three years passed quickly, and the feast of the continents was on the next day.

That night, the **** told Wu Shen that he was going to propose to her at the ceremony tomorrow and asked her to appear.

The Witch God refused, and the prince left angrily with the phrase, "If you don't come, I will destroy these thousands of continents" and leave.

On the second day, the witch **** really didn't show up, because she knew he wouldn't really destroy thousands of continents.

He is not such a person.

At the time of the ceremony, the king of the imperial continent said, "The Lord Witch God will not come" on the prince's anger. When the prince was angry, he directly killed the king of the imperial continent.

Then I went to the cave they had appointed to find her.

These later events are fragments of Yun Jian's recovery and recall.

In the hole, when he wanted to force her, and wanted to take her back to the godland to marry directly, the godland was attacked by the black robes of the mysterious people.

In order to protect the safety of the witch god, the prince rushed back to the gods' continent with his four major protection methods alone and left her.

But who knows all this, it's just a trap

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