Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1924: Demon Realm emerges, the strongest Warcraft

The words "Re-enter Huangquan" came out of Yunjian's mouth, imprinted into the ears of everyone, and there was a moment of nagging.


Couldn't the Jin family really be destroyed like Yun Jian said before?

Xu Shiyun's words were too domineering, and Xu Jian's aura was too powerful, and the gods present did not respond for a long time.

This group of people, Jin Zhenxiu, was obviously not born thousands of years ago, so they didn't know that the witch gods of thousands of continents had almost wiped out the ten controversial families of the gods with one person.

Many powerful gods on the continent have endless life spans. Obviously, Jin Zhenxiu is still young.

At the beginning, I saw the Witch God almost wiped out the top ten anti-clan families on the mainland of the gods, and finally the Lord God came forward to protect the ten top anti-clan families. In addition, the owner of the ten top anti-clan family knelt in front of the witch god, scratched his head, apologized and slapped him And not a lot.

It was just that this incident was a shame recognized by the gods on the mainland.

The gods are proud, and their dignity does not allow anyone to provoke.

Therefore, no one will talk about the original incident, let alone to tell his descendants the original incident.

This also led to a new generation of people, such as Jin Zhenxiu, who did not know the Witch God.

Of course, the gods who witnessed the record of the Witch God thousands of years ago are still alive.

It's just that the witch **** has disappeared for so many years, and they also choose to be the one who hasn't appeared before.

Looking at Jin Zhenxiu, Xuan Zhen, and even Li Nong have never heard of the Jin family's almost destruction.

Although Li Nong was puzzled, he chose to believe that at first glance he felt that he was right to worship her as a teacher.

As for Jin Zhenxiu, Xuan Zhen and others, after listening to Yun Jian's words, their laughing legs became weak.

"Hahaha! Re-enter Huangquan? You and you are too deep into the show! Make me really think that something happened to our Jin family before, I really want to laugh at me!"

Jin Zhenxiu suddenly held her belly and giggled with the people who were with her.

Laughing and smiling, Jin Zhenxiu suddenly stopped smiling, twitched the corner of her mouth and looked disgusted and looked at a dog like a barking dog, and glanced at Yun Jian:

"The lowly humans from the lowly continent are not the same. They also have paranoia and it is time to cure them!"

With that said, Jin Zhenxiu waved his hands towards the people who were with her group. "Well, let's not talk to these lowly people, let's go."

After listening to Jin Zhenxiu's words, Yun Jian's eyes narrowed, and her cold lips ticked, just as she wanted to speak.

The voice of those who hurried over from a distance passed to everyone's ears:

"It's bad, it's bad! A monster of Warcraft appeared in the Demon Forest in the west, which is the strongest World of Warcraft that ever appeared. Whose family of you went to the Monster Forest to hunt Warcraft today, I heard that they were seriously injured!

"I just heard that there are several top ten anti-clan family homeowners who have been seriously injured and can't surrender this World of Warcraft. Someone has gone to the temple for help. Please go and see the homeowner's injuries!"

As soon as this person's words came out, the crowd at the scene changed from the original calmness into the panic at this moment.

"What? My father is taking his disciples to the Demon Forest to hunt for Warcraft today!" Jin Zhenxiu turned green as soon as she heard her face, she took the lead and ran to the Demon Forest.

Many of the people in the family went to the Moyu Forest, so they all followed.

"My brother is going to the Demon Forest today, Master. Don't go there, it's dangerous." With that said, Li Nong will follow to run there.

"Let's go, too." Yun Jian heard this and followed up with Huang Yan.

Yun Jian was very pleased that the newly received apprentice was thinking about himself this way.

But the student is in trouble, she runs away? This is not her style.

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