Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1926: The strongest Warcraft, kneeling at her

This big baboon is three stories high, and its arms and legs are as strong as a copper wall and iron wall. It can be scary to look at it.

This big baboon is so powerful that no one can save him from the handsome man lying not far away!

Now all the homeowners have been seriously injured, and there is no such mind to save people.

The handsome man lying in place apparently had a fight with the big baboon just now and was seriously injured. At this moment, it is estimated that he has no strength to stand up.

This sturdy kick of the copper wall and iron wall of the big baboon can step a handsome man into meat sauce! This one's speech is no exaggeration.


Seeing Yun Jian rushing over there instead of himself, Li Nong's first reaction was not to feel that Yun Jian should have undertaken this for himself, nor was he grateful.

But angry! Annoyed that he was pushed away by Yun Jian just now, and actually let Yun Jian involve himself in danger!

Regardless of Yun Jian is not great, Li Nong feels that he should not let Yun Jian involve himself in danger!

"Step on her! Big baboon stepped on her! Stepped on both of them!"

Seeing Li Nong, thinking of helping Yun Jian just now, he did not help his betrayer Li Nong, Jin Zhenxiu suddenly shouted at the big baboon over there.

World of Warcraft is psychic, and they can understand what people say.

Even some varieties of Warcraft are so powerful that they can speak human and become human.

The big baboon could understand Jin Zhenxiu's words. He suddenly moved his feet and went in the opposite direction. He attacked several other homeowners fiercely.

This big baboon had a very developed brain. After attacking several homeowners, he suddenly attacked Jin Zhenxiu and others.

"Ahhhh! Didn't I tell you to kill them! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh after Jin Jinxiu waited, they ran away in shock.

"Animals! Dare to hurt my daughter? Let's die!"

Just when Jin Zhenxiu and others were involved in a dangerous situation, a seemingly forty-something, short-to-medium hair, facial features are not very delicate, can see that the middle-aged man who is not so good in youth looks at his fastest speed to block. The big baboon wants this trick to Jin Jinxiu.

This middle-aged man is the father of Jin Zhenxiu, and is also the third-ranked Jin family head of the Yulong Continent's top ten anti-sky families.

The body of the king was worthy to block the foot of the big baboon, and his forehead was sweating, and he was shaking.

"Drink! Text, let's help you!" Just a few of the homeowners who came to Jin Baboon with Jin Text just rushed to help.

A group of juniors standing in the distance, as well as Jin Zhenxiu, Xuan Zhen, and others saw this and couldn't help voicing.

"Oh my God, this is the first time we've seen the strength of the house owners. It's too shocking, too powerful!"

"The heads of the ten anti-celestial families on the mainland of our gods are worthy of the name!"

"Go homeowners! Come on!"

"Come on, homeowners, we believe in you!"

For a time, everyone was amazed from the beginning, and then shouted.

However, just as the crowd shouted, the big baboon suddenly turned around and stepped towards Yun Jian, and the handsome man, and the peasant Li Nong, who had just ran over to support the handsome man, were preparing to let Yun Jian evacuate with him.

The house owners had no time to respond, so they watched the big baboon like the foot of a copper wall and iron wall, stepping on Yunjian and the handsome man and Li Nong.

Yunjian, however, remained motionless.

However, at the moment when the big baboon was about to fall, everyone thought that Yun Jian was frightened, and Yun Jian suddenly looked up. She slightly arced in front of the crowd, sneered at the big baboon, and suddenly made a sound:

"Animals, recognize who is standing in front of you!"

Seeing Yun Jian like this, everyone standing in the distance thought to himself: Is this girl stupid? Would she listen to Warcraft like this? This will only provoke the anger of Warcraft!

At the moment when everyone thought the Yunjian trio was finished, the big baboon suddenly seemed to see a figure in a memory that scared him. His huge body suddenly knelt toward Yunjian and shivered.

Suddenly seeing the crowd in this scene, the pupils suddenly tightened, and they were stupid in the place.

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