Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1930: Abolition of Godhead

What does Lord Lord mean?

When everyone in the audience saw the scene in front of them, their first reaction was panic, and then they opened their mouths and narrowed their pupils, and suddenly realized that the meaning of this remark was stupid.

The **** of the **** continent is also the master of the **** continent, and the strength of the **** is well known and invincible!

It is a pity, however, that as the master of the gods' continent, he rarely appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Even if the Baboon, the most powerful Warcraft ever recorded in history, appeared in the Demon Forest today, and some people went to the temple for help, everyone did not expect Lord Monarch to appear.

At most five elders and the Lord God will come.

The arrival of Si Yi, originally made everyone present an incredible feeling.

What was even more unexpected was that he actually walked over and grabbed Yun Jian's shoulders, and said such things in public.

What does this mean? On behalf of the monarch and the witch **** ...

They both ...!

The text of Jin was frightened by this sudden change, and his eyes turned white, and he almost lost sight of it on the spot.

Have you experienced despair?

Gold text is going through at the moment.

Fools can see it, Yun Jian and Si Yi, yes! One! leg!

The relationship between gods and witch gods!

And from the words of Shenjun just now, you can clearly understand who Sidi is helping at this moment.

So everyone in the room was frightened.

Who will tell them what is going on?

"Oh, my son, what do you run so fast! Daughter-in-law won't run! Can't you wait for your old father!"

Just then, a flash of lightning flashed in front of everyone.

The next second, the old man of the Lord God appeared in front of everyone.

"Children, son-in-law?" Suddenly heard what the old Lord God suddenly appeared, Jin text did not even know how to describe his shock at this moment, he seemed to see the end of his Jin family, and he was speechless at the moment.

Obviously, the old man of the Lord God knew Jin Jinwen.

After listening to Jin Wenwen's words, the old man of the main **** returned Jin Jinwen's sentence: "Yeah, haha! I have a daughter-in-law! And my daughter-in-law, my little apprentice! What's it! It's not great!

If at the beginning everyone eats crickets, the witch **** is actually the daughter-in-law of the old man of the Lord God, which is the daughter-in-law of the Lord God.

Then at this moment, everyone's surprise was completely beyond words.

"She is still your apprentice? Don't you only have one apprentice!" Jin Wenwen has not been scared like this in his life, and now he is so scared that he cannot use words to describe his shock at this moment.

"Go and go, who said that I only have one apprentice, hasn't this just accepted a little apprentice? Come and come, the little witch **** cute comes quickly."

The old man of the Lord God was very upset at what Jin Wen said. He pushed away the Jin Wen who was standing in front of himself, and smiled and went to Yun Jian's side.

Seeing that the old man of the Lord God was about to grab someone, Sidi's eyebrows tightened, he tightened Yunjian a little, and his sharp eyes were squinted on the Old Man of the Lord God.

Being oblique by this interpretation, the old man of the Lord God shrank, and did not dare to come over.

Yes, yes, daughter-in-law's son, he can't be a light bulb!

This is not counselling! Focus!

After listening to the words of the Lord God old man, Jin Wenwen, who was not far away from Yunjian, sat paralyzed on the ground and gave up his struggle.

If it provokes the witch god, the **** is willing to help him, there is still hope.

Today, the Witch God has become not only the woman of the prince, but also the apprentice of the Lord God.

At the time, it was the Lord God who interceded for the house owners, and the Witch God did not destroy the top ten anti-clan families.

But today, it was his Jin family that provoked the Witch God again.

Coupled with the Lord God's best protection.

Jin family, it's over!

Sure enough, just thinking this way, one of the shortest guards held Yun Jian's beautiful shoulder, sneered at Jin Wenwen, and spoke out in public:

"From today on, the Jin family is removed from the top ten anti-clan families!"

When he was finished, Si Yi drew a cloud of Yunjian and glanced around him. His mellow and pleasant voice spread throughout the audience:

"Everyone present is listening to me. On the land of gods, my woman is the king! Whoever dares to mess with her is against my god.

"Offenders, abolish the gods, and the spirits fly away!"

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