Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1936: Expose mystery, human identity

The Lord God, who was called the dead old man by Sidi, was still a young man.

Although Si Yi gave much of his spiritual power to the Lord God, the Lord God was seriously injured, and he could no longer maintain the appearance of the old man who was 50 or 60 years old.

Now the main **** is no longer the old stubborn little old man. When he woke up, he heard his son's question to himself at the first glance. The main **** immediately hesitated, and then said:

"Boy, who the **** did you call the old man? I'm old but I'm not dead yet!"

After the Lord God said this, he suddenly realized that his voice line had become younger.

This sound sounded very young, thick and powerful, and the magnetic male voice was no worse than the voice from the throat of the male singers of the new century.

This means that he looks like an old man ...

"Don't worry, you can no longer be transformed into an old man in a short time. Now tell me immediately, who is that mysterious man."

Si Yi broke the thinking of the Lord God at this moment and spoke again.

Then the Lord God turned his eyes to Si Yi and Yun Jian.

"Master, if you know the identity and things of the mysterious person, please tell them truthfully." Yun Jian looked at the main **** and said very solemnly.

She vowed that she would send the mysterious person to hell!

"You guys." The Lord God was compelled to be anxious, he sighed deeply, and finally shook his head, facing this young face, and speaking with the tone of an old man's tone:

"Okay, tell you! Tell you!

"I'm sure I know the old guy, and that old guy is still my brother!"

As soon as the words came out, Yun Jian and Si Yi's eyelids jumped slightly.

Mysterious man turned out to be the brother of the Lord God?

"I'm not afraid to tell you that all of this should be considered half of my fault. At that time, I missed and killed his beloved woman. He vowed to avenge that woman, but he didn't expect him to point you at you."

The Lord God shook his head and recalled the situation.

The mysterious man is the brother of the Lord God, named Hyun Lin.

Hyun Lin is the brother of the Lord God and had a very good relationship with the Lord God.

But Hyun Lin had fallen in love with a woman. The woman's family was once the most powerful family on the continent.

These things go back to a long time ago, when there were no five elders and no ten anti-clan families.

The master of the temple is not Sidi, who is not yet born, nor is he the master god.

But the father of the main **** and Hyun Lin.

The woman's family that Hyun Lin fell in love with had betrayed the master of the gods' continent at the time, that is, the **** god and Hyun Lin's father, so the **** god was ordered by his father to destroy that woman's family.

That woman was not spared.

Perhaps the blood is connected, whether it is the main god, Hyun Lin, or Sidi, once they fall in love with a woman, they will never change forever, even if they are to deal with the magic.

After the main **** killed Xuan Lin ’s beloved woman, Xuan Lin went crazy to revenge the main god. Finally, the father of the main **** pained and destroyed Xuan Lin ’s personality, and Xuan Lin could no longer cultivate spiritual power.

"He was dethroned by my father, and after he could no longer practice spiritual power, he wolf left the land of the gods. What happened afterwards, I do n’t know.

"And how he recovered his spiritual power later, it is even more unknown, but after so many years, I can already guess where his old nest is now!"

The Lord God said, his tone suddenly dignified.

"Where !?" Yun Jian asked anxiously.

The Lord God sighed slightly, not concealing, "In ..."

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