Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1942: Mysterious man, others

Just now Wen Jingtian and others were still discussing Witch God. At this moment, Yun Jian's words fell down. Everyone was stunned.

"My witch god?" Wen Jingtian repeated Yun Jian's previous sentence, and she looked at Yun Jian in shock.

Yun Jian's words spread throughout the audience.

There are fifty people in the streets convened by Ding Sheng, Wen Jingtian, and others. There is no shortage of powerful people.

But Rao is these people, when they talked about Witch God just now, they were all with fear and awe.

And at this moment, Yun Jian's self-proclaimed, it even caused panic in the hearts of everyone present.

"So, that girl is a witch god!"

"Is she the girl witch **** who nearly destroyed the top ten family members with her own power!"

Everyone was talking and everyone's pupils dilated in an instant.

Wen Jingtian's expression was the most complicated.

You should know that Yun Jian initially asked her to take her to the entrance of Shenquan. Wen Jingtian thought that Yun Jian wanted to find Shenquan too, and was selfish, so she ignored the safety of her little friends.

But now I want to come, she should have enough strength to protect everyone!

The ridiculous thing is that she actually counted her!

Yun Jian over there was already holding the butterfly knife assembled with the extermination blade and flew towards Hyun Lin.

Seeing this, Si Yi also followed closely.

Naturally he could not leave his note at risk alone.

"Does the old fellow of the Lord God think that the two of you are really my opponents! I have no revenge against you. He actually sent you both to kill me, hum, then bear my anger well!"

Hyun Lin saw this. He flipped his hand a second before Yun Jian and Si Yi rushed here, and a bottle of potion appeared in his hand.

"So, that's ..." Someone shouted when he saw the bottle of potion in Hyun Lin's hand: "That would be a hundred times potion!"

A hundred times potion, as the name implies, drinking it can instantly increase the strength of a cultivator by a hundred times!

But a hundred times potion, like the extermination blade, are legendary things, how can he have it!

I have to say that if Xuan Lin's strength is to be confronted, it is not Yun Jian's opponent at all, let alone Yun Jian has Si Yi.

And this potion ...

"Huh." Hyun Lin smiled coldly and swallowed the 100-fold potion in her belly.

Hyun Lin's strength is gradually increasing within the scope that everyone can visually observe.

Until the strength on the original basis, a hundred times stronger!

Yun Jian saw this, his eyes moved fiercely!

Si Yi's eyes only flashed slightly.

After swallowing a hundred times potion, there is also a time limit, and when the time passes, Hyun Lin will also be backwashed by drinking this hundred times potion.

So just after drinking this hundred times potion, Hyun Lin quickly attacked Yun Jian and Si Yi!

The master is right, it's almost perfect.

The distant people could only see Si Yi protecting Yunjian in his arms. He stretched out his hand to fight against Hyun Lin!

Everyone was shocked.

Hyun Lin now has 100 times more power than before!

Can he really fight!

"Wow!" Just as everyone thought so, a wolf figure was struck by the last kick of Si Yi.

Hyun Lin, like a kite with a broken line, flew to the ground!

He lost!

Strengthened one hundred times the strength, actually not as good as his own nephew!

Si Yi was holding Yun Jian, who hadn't shot yet.

After Xuan Lin was flirted with Si Yi, Si Yi coughed lightly, leaving a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, apparently also injured.

Seeing this, Yun Jian quickly hugged him and asked, "Are you all right?"

Si Yi shook her head and grabbed Yun Jian's hand.

Yun Jian didn't shoot just now because Xuan Lin's speed was too fast. She could capture Xuan Lin's figure but couldn't fight it!

Hyun Lin, who has increased her strength by a hundred times, is not her opponent!

If Hyun Lin is only fifty times stronger, she can still fight one!

But if she had just shot, it was Si Yi who was the drag, so Yun Jian didn't move.

"I'll kill him!" Seeing that Xuan Lin had fallen, Yun Jian uttered a voice. She held the butterfly knife in her hand and walked towards the direction where Xuan Lin fell.

The younger brother's hatred, his own previous hatred, can finally be reported!

Yun Jian could not tell his mood at the moment.

But when you think about it, you think something is wrong.

Qiu, is it really that simple?

I was not so weak when I was against mysterious people.

As soon as Yun Jian approached Hyun Lin, a powerful spiritual force struck all around, and Yun Jian could not escape the blow.

The next second, a man in a black robe with the same appearance as Hyun Lin suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" After the man appeared, He laughed wildly.

The man laughed, looked at Hyun Lin with a conspiratorial look, and laughed mockingly:

"Nice, Hyun Lin, you did a good job! You didn't let me down! Now even the gods are hurt by you. With only one witch **** left, I can logically kill you all!

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