Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1945: Not shy or shy, 666 days

"Since you know that the Shenquan is here, why the godhead was abolished and you didn't enter the Shenquan?" Si Yi was pinched by Yun Jian so he didn't kneel on the ground. He stared straight at Hyun Lin.

I have to say that to Xuan Lin, after knowing that he is not a mysterious person, Sidi is not an abomination, nor will he easily believe him.

After all, Hyun Lin is a person who wants to put the Lord to death.

"When you don't want to enter? Although the entrance to Shenquan is guarded by a powerful Warcraft, but this powerful Warcraft, the powerful **** of the mainland of God, is not incapable of confrontation! But ..."

Xuan Lin said here, paused, and then continued the interface:

"This entrance to the Shenquan, that is, a spiritual force has been exerted on this teleportation array. If you wish to pass through here, you will be killed on the spot because you cannot bear the suppression of this spiritual force!

"I have seen with my own eyes that there is a **** who refuses to discourage him from entering this teleportation array and disappears on the spot!

"But you are not the same! Your physique matches the spiritual power of this teleportation array, so I doubted that the entrance to the Fountain of God, only you can enter!"

Why doesn't Hyun Lin want to get the God Spring by himself? But he couldn't do it!

And he also observed this teleportation array leading to the Shenquan, and finally found that only the monarch and the witch **** can enter this teleportation array!

Shenjun's unusual strength and the witch god's physical power that makes people within three meters of her!

It is the constitution that can resist the powerful spiritual power of the teleportation array!

"Of course, suspicion is suspicion. I finally confirmed it today. Only you two can pass this teleportation array!

"You can rest assured that I will not lie to you. Although I avenged the Lord God, this matter has nothing to do with you, let alone that guy dare to use me. My strength is not as good as that of him. Only by letting you deal with him can he take revenge!"

Xuan Lin said, a burst of anger in her heart.

Hyun Lin's expression is not like lying.

What's more, he didn't hurt his brother and hurt the mysterious man who used to be himself.

Yun Jian's eyes flickered.

"You have to stay in Shenquan for 666 days? Can't you come out earlier?" Yun Jian asked out loud.

666 days, almost two years!

She had originally been in the wild for survival in a hunting school. If she stayed here for two years, she would be completely missing.

"Yes, not a day!" Hyun Lin nodded.

But while Yun Jian was hesitant, Si Yi grabbed her little hand and walked to the teleportation array: "As long as we are together, what is two years?"

Si Yi is determined to take Yun Jian into the teleportation team.

According to Hyunlin's words, no one can enter the teleportation team except him and Xiaojian.

That is to say, there is no one else in the world in the teleportation team except him and Xiaojian?

If Yun Jian knew Si Yi's bad thoughts at this moment, he would not be willing to enter the teleportation team with Si Yi.

However, by the time Yun Jian reacted, she had been pulled into the teleportation array by Si Yi.

Watching Yun Jian and Si Yi disappear here, Ding Sheng, Wen Jingtian and others are not stupid. After hearing Xuan Lin's words, how dare they think about Shenquan again?

It is estimated that you will die in the teleportation array before you see Shenquan!

So this group of people fled and left here.

Hyun Lin covered her chest and smiled bitterly. He remembered his heart, but at this time, a woman who had been gone for thousands of years, climbed up, walking like a corpse, walking in the opposite direction to the entrance of Shenquan ...

Just entering the entrance of the teleportation array, Yunjian was attracted by the open-air hot spring in front of him.

There are woods all around, no one is in the wild, and there is not even one bird or beast. There are many wild fruits around that can eat.

It's a paradise here!

And the huge hot spring is standing in front of it, the warm gurgling air is rising and rising, this is a fantasy world!

"This is the Shenquan?" Yun Jian walked over and leaned down and explored the temperature of Shenquan with his hand, and found that the temperature of Shenquan was just moderate.

As soon as he plunged his hand into the Shenquan, Yunjian felt a warm stream of spiritual power flowing into his body.

She just pours her hands into the water of the Shenquan, and feels that in order to save Chen Xinyi, after the earth used the spiritual power, the seal of spiritual power could not be cultivated for ten years, and it was lifted!

Yun Jian was surprised for a while, and then came back with a strange surprise.

This **** spring! Amazing!

Just one touch lifted her seal that she could not cultivate spiritual power for ten years, if she stayed for 666 days

Yun Jian had not yet reacted to the surprise, and she suddenly felt a strong arm holding her in her arms.

In the next second, Yunjian could clearly feel that his clothes were being dropped by a pig's hoof.

Even though Yun Jian and Si Yi hadn't met each other for the first time, he was going to take off her clothes.

Yun Jian's face was turning crimson at the speed of light.

She covered her clothes.

However, in the next second, Si Yi quickly dropped her whole body clothes, and she was quite confident:

"Small note, don't take it off, why stay in Shenquan for 666 days, eh?"

How can you do bad things without taking off?

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